Acts that can be carried out by means of a public deed in a notary’s office
In Colombia, a public deed is a legal document executed before a notary public that has the character of authenticity and full proof. It is a public instrument used to attest the legal acts and facts that the parties wish to record in a formal and legal manner.
The public deed is drawn up by the notary, who is a public official vested with public faith and whose function is to guarantee the legality of legal acts and ensure their validity. The notary is impartial and has the responsibility to verify the identity of the parties, as well as the legality and validity of the acts to be incorporated in the deed.
Through a public deed in Colombia, it is possible to perform a wide range of legal acts and businesses, among them:
- Purchase and sale of real estate: The public deed is the legal means to transfer the ownership of real estate, such as a house, apartment, land, among others.
- Incorporation of companies: The public deed is used to formalize the creation of a commercial company, specifying the aspects related to its structure, capital, shareholders and other relevant details.
- Wills: A person may leave a record of his or her last will through a will executed in a public deed, which sets forth the provisions regarding the distribution of his or her assets and other related matters.
- Powers of Attorney: By means of a public deed, a person may grant power of attorney to another person to represent him/her in legal or administrative matters, delegating the capacity to act on his/her behalf.
- Mortgages and loans: Public deeds are used to establish mortgage guarantees on real estate or to formalize loans and financial agreements.
- Constitution of affectation of family housing: it consists of the limitation to the domain of a real estate property, with the purpose of protecting that real estate property acquired by a couple, in order to use it as their family housing, becoming an unseizable property; except, when it is a question of loans for acquisition, construction or improvement of housing, or its constitution of mortgage is made prior to the registration of the affectation.
These are just some examples of the acts that can be performed through a public deed in Colombia. It is important to note that the public deed provides greater legal certainty and validity to the acts and contracts performed, since it is considered an official document and authenticated by a notary public.