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Administrative leave for persons deprived of their liberty

Published on: October 11, 2022
Reading time: 2 min
Administrative leave for persons deprived of their liberty

Administrative leave for persons deprived of their liberty

Law 65 of 1993, the Penitentiary and Prison Code, establishes a series of administrative permits to be granted to inmates who are in a certain stage of prison treatment.

What is prison treatment?

It is a progressive, programmed and individualized plan, as far as possible, aimed at the resocialization of the convicted person for life in freedom.

It is created by an Evaluation and Treatment Council, made up of an interdisciplinary team of lawyers, psychiatrists, psychologists, pedagogues, social workers, doctors, therapists, anthropologists, sociologists, criminologists, penitentiary specialists and members of the Custody and Surveillance Corps, guided by constitutional mandates, the scientific guidelines issued by Inpec, the scientific study of the inmate’s personality, the International Human Rights Treaties ratified by Colombia and by the determinations adopted by each evaluation council.

The prisoner’s needs and progress will be verified through education, instruction, work, cultural, recreational and sports activities and family relationships.

Phases of penitentiary treatment

  1. Observation, diagnosis and classification
  2. High security, comprising the closed period
  3. Medium security comprising the semi-open period
  4. Minimum security or open period.
  5. Of trust, which will coincide with parole.

What permits are available?

  • From the medium security phase: Up to 72 hours leave.
  • In the trust phase, provided that parole has been denied: Continuous release, weekend release, preparatory release and preparatory exemption.

General requirements

  • Not being sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • Not to be convicted for punishable acts committed during the time of imprisonment.
  • The benefit has not been withdrawn due to non-compliance with the respective obligations.

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