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Advantages of the foreigner’s identification card in Colombia: Learn about some of them with Servicio Legal

Published on: June 23, 2023
Reading time: 3 min
Advantages of the foreigner’s identification card in Colombia: Learn about some of them with Servicio Legal

The foreigner’s identification card in Colombia is an essential document for foreigners residing in the country, since it provides them with a series of significant advantages and benefits.

By obtaining the foreigner’s identification card, these persons can access an official identification recognized by the Colombian State, which allows them to their immigration status in a legal manner.. In addition, this documentation facilitates their access to a wide variety of services and benefits, such as work permits, opening bank accounts, access to educational services, among others.

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What is the alien’s identification card in Colombia?

The foreigner’s identification card is the document that identifies foreigners holding a visa for more than 3 months. This document is issued by the Special Administrative Unit of Migration Colombia and must be processed within 15 days from the date of the issuance of the visa This visa will have a validity equal to the term of the holder’s visa.

Learn more about this document at https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/cedula-de-extranjeria

There are two types of foreigners’ identification cards in Colombia:

  • For adults
  • For minors: between 7 and 17 years old

Advantages of the cédula de extranjeria

The issuance of this document, once the payment is made, may take up to 10 working days and once it is obtained, it grants the following benefits:


  • Possibility to open a bank accountFor example, at Bancolombia, one of the most recognized banks in the country, in addition to the foreigner’s identification card, another document with a photo is required. Depending on the activity to be performed by the foreigner, a letter of employment must be provided, indicating the name of the company, income and permanence, or from the school, institute or university. However, it is important to note that requirements may vary from bank to bank.
  • Accessing loans or mortgage credits is really simple since, in addition, it is only required to prove payment capacity.
  • Possibility of affiliation to the Colombian health system.
  • Have a driver’s license.
  • Enroll in educational institutions or academies.
  • Work (if the visa granted grants this permission).
  • Creating companies and doing business in the country.
  • Perform notarial procedures.

It is important to bear in mind that this document can only be processed in Colombia and in the case of residents, this process must be carried out every 5 years and that not having this document in order may cause some problems. fines and penalties for foreigners residing in the country.

Steps to obtain a foreigner’s identity card

The fee for the for a foreigner’s identity card in Colombia is 246,000 Colombian pesos is 246,000 Colombian pesos and in the case of Ecuadorians it will be 5.00 USD.


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Contact us now to get more information about the process of obtaining a foreigner’s identity card in Colombia!


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