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Agreement between Colombia and the OISS: Colombians Abroad Will Be Able to Contribute for their Pension in Colombia

Published on: May 9, 2023
Reading time: 4 min
Agreement between Colombia and the OISS: Colombians Abroad Will Be Able to Contribute for their Pension in Colombia

Protection of Migrant Workers

In Colombia, one of the greatest challenges in terms of social security has been to guarantee the protection of migrant workers, who in many cases do not have access to a social security system in the country where they reside.

In order to address this problem and improve social protection for Colombian migrant workers, the Colombian government has signed an agreement with the Ibero-American Social Security Organization (OISS) that will allow Colombians living abroad to contribute for their pension in Colombia.

Progress in Social Security

This agreement represents a great step forward in terms of social security and protection of the rights of migrant workers, as it will allow Colombians abroad to maintain a link with their country of origin and access a social security system that will allow them to have a pension in Colombia once they meet the contribution and age requirements.

Under the terms of the agreement, Colombian migrant workers residing in the countries that are part of the agreement will be able to make pension contributions in Colombia as of July 1, 2023.


The countries that are part of the agreement are: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay, Cuba and Mexico.

Fulfillment of Requirements

To access this social security system, Colombian migrant workers must comply with certain requirements, such as having contributed a minimum of 50 weeks in Colombia before emigrating, being affiliated to a social security system in the country where they reside and being up to date in the payment of their contributions.

In addition, the value or percentage of the pension will depend on the contributions made and the years of contribution.

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Improving Social Protection for Workers

This agreement represents a great opportunity to improve the social protection of Colombian migrant workers and strengthen relations between Colombia and the countries that are part of the agreement.

According to the Colombian Ministry of Labor, it is estimated that around 4 million Colombians reside abroad, many of whom could benefit from this agreement.

Maintaining the link with Colombia

In addition, this agreement will allow migrant workers to maintain a link with their country of origin and contribute to Colombia’s economic and social development.

For Colombian migrant workers residing in the countries that are part of the agreement, this agreement represents a great opportunity to secure their future and guarantee their social protection.

However, it is important to remember that this social security system is complementary to the one they may have in the country where they reside and that Colombian migrant workers must also comply with the tax and fiscal obligations of their place of residence.

In conclusion, the agreement between Colombia and the OISS to allow Colombian migrant workers to make pension contributions in Colombia represents an important step forward in terms of social protection and labor rights.


With this agreement, Colombian migrant workers will be able to maintain a link with their country of origin and have access to a social security system that will allow them to have a pension in Colombia once they meet the contribution and age requirements.

Term of the Agreement

The agreement will enter into force on July 1, 2023 and Colombian migrant workers who wish to access this social security system must comply with certain requirements and be up to date in the payment of their contributions.

In short, this agreement is a major step forward in the protection of the labor rights of Colombian migrant workers and represents an important step in the construction of a universal social security system that guarantees the protection of migrant workers’ rights and promotes Colombia’s economic and social development.

This agreement is an important step in the construction of a universal social security system that guarantees the protection of migrant workers’ rights and promotes the country’s economic and social development.

image_2024-09-04_163637497.jpg However, it is essential to bear in mind that the information on this agreement may be updated and supplemented by the competent authorities in the future.


Government and OISS sign agreement for Colombians to contribute for pension. Legal Scope. Retrieved May 8, 2023 from https://www.ambitojuridico.com/noticias/laboral/gobierno-y-oiss-firman-convenio-para-que-colombianos-puedan-cotizar-para-pension.

Colombia signs agreement with the OISS for Colombians abroad to pay pension contributions. Caracol News. Retrieved May 8, 2023 from https://noticias.caracoltv.com/colombia/colombia-firma-convenio-con-la-oiss-para-que-colombianos-en-el-exterior-coticen-para-pension.

Colombia and OISS sign agreement for Colombian workers abroad to contribute to their pensions. Ministry of Labor of Colombia. Retrieved May 8, 2023 from https://www.mintrabajo.gov.co/web/guest/sala-de-prensa/boletines-de-prensa/-/asset%5Fpublisher/o5FC/content/colombia-y-oiss-firman-convenio-para-que-trabajadores-colombianos-en-el-exterior-coticen-para-su-pension.

Agreement between Colombia and the OISS will allow migrants to contribute for their pension in Colombia. El Espectador. Retrieved May 8, 2023 from https://www.elespectador.com/economia/acuerdo-entre-colombia-y-la-oiss-permitira-que-los-migrantes-coticen-para-su-pension-en-colombia/.

What is the OISS and what does it do in Colombia? Social Security online. Retrieved May 8, 2023 from https://seguridadsocialenlinea.com/que-es-la-oiss-y-que-hace-en-colombia/.

Agreement between Colombia and the OISS will allow migrants to contribute for their pension in Colombia. El Espectador. Retrieved May 8, 2023 from https://www.elespectador.com/economia/acuerdo-entre-colombia-y-la-oiss-permitira-que-los-migrantes-coticen-para-su-pension-en-colombia/.

What is the OISS and what does it do in Colombia? Social Security online. Retrieved May 8, 2023 from https://seguridadsocialenlinea.com/que-es-la-oiss-y-que-hace-en-colombia/.

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