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Application for judicial records from Germany

Published on: February 14, 2023
Reading time: 2 min
Application for judicial records from Germany

According to resolution 6045 of 2017, the Colombian visa authority may make an application to you for a judicial record from Germany.

In Germany, anyone over the age of 14 can apply for their certificate of good conduct, which certifies whether they have a criminal record, from the Federal Office of Justice or Bundesamt für Justiz, virtually, here, by following the steps below:

  1. 1. Click on the button that says: “Führungszeugnis hier online beantragen”.
  2. 2. If requested in its own name:
    • 2.1. Select the option: “für mich selbst”.
    • 2.2. Click on the button that says: “weiter”.
    • 2.3. Fill in the requested information
  3. 3. If requested on behalf of another:
    • 3.1. Select the option: “in gesetzlicher Vertretung”.
    • 3.2. Upload the document proving your authority to represent (birth certificate, power of attorney or other) by clicking on the option “Dateien hier ablegen oder klicken, um Dateien für das Hochladen auszuwählen”.
    • 3.3. Click on the button that says: “weiter”.
    • 3.4. Fill in the requested information

What type of certificate do I need?

  • Private: For personal matters
  • Official: To carry out any procedure before a German authority.
  • Extended: May only be requested upon written request of the person requiring it and is requested by permission of the law or for an activity that allows constant contact with minors. It includes, unlike the previous two, the following information described in Section 32 of the BZRG or Central Registry and Education Registry Act:
    • Warnings with reservation of penalty.
    • Guilty verdicts under the Juvenile Court Act.
    • Convictions for which the juvenile penalty has been recognized if the maladministration penalty was removed by a court or clemency.
    • Sentences of a fine of less than 90 daily rates or imprisonment of not more than three months.
    • Prison sentences of less than 2 years if the sentence is executed or a remainder of the sentence has been deferred or suspended by probation because the offense was committed due to drug addiction.
    • Juvenile sentences of less than 2 years if the sentence is executed or a remainder of the sentence has been suspended or deferred for clemency.
    • Prison sentences if the execution of the sentence, the remainder of the sentence or the measure has been deferred in accordance with the law on narcotic drugs.
    • Convictions ordering improvement and security measures, accessory sanctions, accessory consequences or educational measures.
    • Convictions indicating the resumption of proceedings.

The authorities may request a certificate of good conduct if the request to the interested party to present it is unsuccessful. In the case of a certificate of good conduct addressed to the authorities, the additional information described in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 32 of the BZRG shall be included.

Cost of the application for a judicial record from Germany

The cost of the application for a judicial record from Germany is $54,899 pesos.

Would you like some advice?

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