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Civic Day in Colombia for the Final of the America’s Cup 2024: Analysis and Reflection

Published on: July 12, 2024
Reading time: 3 min
Civic Day in Colombia for the Final of the America’s Cup 2024: Analysis and Reflection

What is a Civic Day?

A civic day is a non-working day decreed by a governmental authority for the purpose of celebrating a significant event for the community or the country.

Unlike public holidays established by law, civic days are proclaimed on an extraordinary and temporary basis, seeking to encourage the population’s participation and sense of belonging in certain events.

How to Declare an Extraordinary Civic Day in Colombia?

In Colombia, the declaration of a civic day is an attribution of the president, governors or mayors, depending on the sphere of influence of the event.

The decree is issued through a formal administrative act, usually a resolution or decree, which specifies the reasons and the date on which the civic day is celebrated.

This process must comply with the legal requirements established in Colombian regulations, and is usually motivated by events of great social, cultural or sporting relevance or impact.

Characteristics of a Civic Day in Colombia

A civic day in Colombia has several distinctive characteristics:

  • Temporary: These are non-working days designated for a specific date.
  • Purpose: To encourage citizen participation in important events.
  • Impact: They affect the work and educational routine, suspending activities to allow for the celebration.
  • Context: Generally related to sporting, cultural or commemorative events.

What Circumstances May Motivate the Decision to Declare a Civic Day in Colombia?

The decision to declare a civic day may be motivated by several circumstances, among them:

  • Sporting Events: Finals of national or international championships, such as the America’s Cup.
  • Historical Commemorations: Anniversaries of significant events in the country’s history.
  • Cultural Celebrations: Traditional festivities or cultural events of great impact.
  • Exceptional Situations: Natural disasters, social manifestations or outstanding achievements in various fields.

How far in advance can a Civic Day be declared in Colombia?

The anticipation with which a civic day is decreed may vary, but it is generally done with sufficient time to allow the population and the affected entities to plan and adjust their activities.

In some cases, it may be announced weeks in advance, while in exceptional situations it could be announced with less time.


Beneficiaries and Permittees of the Measure


  • General Population: You have the opportunity to participate and enjoy the event without work restrictions.
  • Tourism and Commercial Sectors: They can benefit from the increase in the influx of people and consumption.
  • Event Organizers: Facilitates logistics and attendance at scheduled activities.

Injured parties:

  • Companies and Businesses: They may face economic losses due to the suspension of activities.
  • Education Sector: Interruption of classes and scheduled academic activities.
  • Utilities: Need to reorganize their operations to maintain continuity in the provision of essential services.

Is It Considered a Populist Measure?

The declaration of civic days may be seen by some as a populist measure, especially when decreed without a clear justification or without considering the economic and social impact.

However, if it is based on legitimate motives and seeks to strengthen social cohesion and a sense of community, it can be a valuable tool for fostering unity and celebrating collective achievements.

What is the purpose of declaring a Civic Day?

By decreeing a civic day, the authorities intend to:

  • Encourage Citizen Participation: Encourage the population to get involved and enjoy the event.
  • Celebrate Collective Achievements: Recognize and celebrate important milestones for the country or community.
  • Strengthen the Sense of Community: Create spaces for coexistence and social cohesion.
  • Promote National Identity: Highlight and strengthen cultural and patriotic values.


While the declaration of a civic day may have populist overtones, its impact depends on the justification and transparency of the process.

It is crucial that the authorities consider the general welfare and long-term effects of these decisions.

Encouraging participation and the celebration of significant events can be positive, as long as it is done in a responsible and equitable manner.


  1. Civic day proposed for Colombia-Argentina match: What is it and what does the regulation say?

This article aims to offer a comprehensive view on the importance and implications of decreeing a civic day in Colombia, providing an informed basis for discussion and critical reflection on its use in the current context.

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