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Data processing policy

Published on: February 28, 2024
Reading time: 2 min
Data processing policy

Personal data protection in Colombia refers to the set of rules, principles and measures aimed at safeguarding the privacy and proper handling of individuals’ personal information.

In Colombia, the protection of personal data is mainly regulated by Article 15 of the Political Constitution, the Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 and its Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013. These rules establish the rights of individuals over their personal data, the duties of the entities that collect and process it, and the mechanisms to guarantee its protection.

Any data protection policy should contain the following elements:

  1. Information and transparency: You must provide clear and detailed information on how personal data is collected, used, stored and protected. It should indicate the identity of the data controller and the purposes for which the data is collected.
  2. Consent: It must establish how consent is obtained from data subjects for the processing of their data. Consent must be free, informed, specific and prior to data processing.
  3. Holder’s rights: It must include the rights that holders of personal data have, such as access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of their data. It should also explain how these rights can be exercised.
  4. Information security: It must establish the necessary technical, organizational and legal measures to ensure the security of personal data and prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration or destruction.
  5. Data Transfers: It must establish the conditions under which transfers of personal data to third parties, whether within or outside the national territory, may be made. You must ensure that these transfers are carried out in compliance with data protection standards.

Additionally, it is important to have data protection policies because:

  1. Privacy and control: Allow individuals to have control over the personal information they share and how it is used.
  2. Protection against misuse: They help prevent unauthorized use of personal data and protect against theft, loss or unauthorized access to information.
  3. Legal compliance: Complying with data protection regulations is a legal requirement in many countries, including Colombia. Appropriate policies help to avoid penalties and legal consequences.
  4. Trust and reputation: Good data protection management builds trust with individuals, customers and business partners, which can have a positive impact on an organization’s reputation.
  5. Fundamental rights: Data protection is a fundamental right that contributes to the guarantee of other rights, such as freedom of expression, equality and non-discrimination.

In a nutshell

The protection of personal data is fundamental to safeguarding the privacy of individuals and ensuring the appropriate and responsible use of personal information. Data protection policies are key tools to comply with legal regulations and promote trust in the handling of personal information.



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