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Digital Nomad Visa for Italy Slug (Traducción):

Published on: February 15, 2023
Reading time: 3 min
Digital Nomad Visa for Italy  Slug (Traducción):

In this blog we will tell you all about the digital nomad visa for Italy.

What is the digital nomad visa for Italy?

It is a visa that allows foreigners to reside in Italy and work remotely as freelancers or in companies whose domicile is outside the Italian territory.

The Italian government seeks to activate the economy in sectors where there has been a large population decline, thus allowing foreigners to reside in territories where there are not many inhabitants.

Currently in Italy there is no express visa for digital nomads, as the law has not yet been passed, but the government grants residence permits for foreigners. There is no effective date for this law, but it is expected to come into force between January and April 2023.

Ehis type of visa does not apply to persons who are nationals of a country belonging to the European Union, as these persons are allowed to move freely within the European Union.

During 2023, the application for this type of visas for Italy, compared to previous years has remained stable.

Permanence period

There are two types of visas, the tourist visa and the self-employed visa. With a tourist visa a foreigner can stay in Italy for a maximum of 90 days and does not have to apply for a residence permit.

In case the foreigner wishes to stay in Italy for more than 90 days, he/she must apply for a visa as a self-employed worker that allows him/her to reside in Italy for a maximum period of 2 years.

Requirements for the digital nomad visa for Italy

  • Previously filled out application form (you can access through the following link: http://ambbogota.esteri.it/ambasciata_bogota/resource/doc/2019/10/formulario_nazionale_spagnolo.pdf ).
  • 2 recent photos of 3cm x 4 cm in color and with white background.
  • Valid passport.
  • Enlarged copy of the identity document.
  • Copy of Nulla Osta.
  • Copy of air ticket reservation.
  • Bank account certificate proving that the foreigner has a minimum of 8,500 euros.
  • Certificate of criminal record.
  • Medical insurance.
  • Certificate of lodging.
  • Certificate of postgraduate education (the foreigner must be a highly qualified professional).
  • Original application fee deposit receipt.

Procedure for the digital nomad visa for Italy

The procedure must be done in person directly at the Embassy of Italy in Bogota (which in Colombia is located at the following address: Calle 93 B # 9-92).

You must request an appointment through the embassy’s website, the appointment can be requested through the following link: https://ambbogota.esteri.it/ambasciata_bogota/es/informazioni_e_servizi/prenota.html . The required documentation must be presented on the day of the appointment. The appointment request must be made a minimum of 15 days and a maximum of 3 months prior to the planned date of travel. Requests made 15 days prior to travel may be rejected at the window.

PPrior to the appointment, an application fee must be paid and deposited at Banco de Occidente. This payment must be made no later than 3 months prior to the date of the appointment.

Costs and duration of the procedure

The cost of the application will depend on the consular fees charged at the time of the application. There is no specific duration of the procedure.


  • Foreigners with this residence permit are subject to a special tax regime in which they are exempted from 70% of the taxes on their monthly income for a maximum of 5 years.


The foreigner may not work in any company domiciled in Italy. It should also be noted that the government establishes a certain number of visas that may be granted to foreigners each year and once that number is reached the government does not grant any more residence permits to foreigners until the year is completed.

For the approval of this visa, the applicant’s nationality and visa history will be taken into account, and the applicant will be evaluated to ensure that he/she does not represent a security risk.



40 Countries Open in 2023
. Planet Nomad. https://www.planet-nomad.com/es/visas-para-nomadas-digitales/

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