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Family reunification visa in Colombia: requirements and procedures according to Resolution 5477

Published on: July 22, 2023
Reading time: 2 min
Family reunification visa in Colombia: requirements and procedures according to Resolution 5477

The family reunification visa in Colombia, better known as beneficiary visa, is defined by Resolution 5477 as the authorization granted to economic dependents who are part of the family of the main visa holder as: spouse or permanent partner, parents and children under 25 years of age or who have a duly qualified disability that prevents them from fending for themselves.

Specific requirements for family reunification visas in Colombia

  1. Copy of the valid visa of the main holder of which you wish to be the beneficiary.
  2. Copy of the act or civil registry certifying kinship, marital or family relationship with the principal holder, with the formalities provided, as in all cases, for foreign documents.
  3. Written communication from the principal holder requesting the beneficiary’s visa and declaring the dependency and economic responsibility for the expenses inherent to the travel and/or stay of the beneficiary in the national territory, including health coverage services.
  4. The principal holder must demonstrate by means of averages in bank statements of the last 6 months, or labor certification, that he/she has sufficient income to assume the economic responsibility for his/her beneficiaries.

It is important to mention that documents issued abroad must be apostilled or legalized before a Colombian Consul, as the case may be, and any document in a language other than Spanish must be officially translated into Spanish and the translator’s signature must be duly legalized or apostilled.

Who can apply for a family reunification visa in Colombia?

The beneficiary visa can be requested by the holder of M, R and V type visas with some activities such as:

  • Graduate student.
  • Religious.
  • Volunteer or cooperating when fully justified.
  • Digital nomads.
  • Permanent correspondent.
  • TLC entrepreneurs.
  • Non-accredited officials.
  • Provider of services, work or labor.
  • Promotion of internationalization.
  • Annuitant.
  • Courtesy diplomats.
  • Complementary measure to shelter in cases of cases indicated by decree 1067 of 2015 at the request of CONARE.

Under no circumstances may the validity of this visa be longer than the validity of the holder’s visa. Also when the beneficiary child reaches the age of twenty-five (25); if before this age they cease to be economically dependent on the principal visa holder; or if the principal visa holder’s visa has been cancelled or has been terminated automatically or early, the visa terminates automatically.

Finally, in the event that the visa is granted granted for more than three months, it is necessary to issue a cédula This is the identification document issued by the Special Administrative Unit of Migration Colombia for identification purposes of foreigners in the national territory.


[ https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tt_ss/requisitos-solicitar-visa-beneficiario#:~:text=Definition%C3%B3n%3A%20It%20is%20the%20authorization%20that%20prevents%20validation%20by%20s%C3%AD%20myself%20of%20the%20authorization%20that%20prevents%20validation%20by%20s%C3%AD%20myself%20. ](https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tt%5Fss/requisitos-solicitar-visa-beneficiario#:~:text=Definici%C3%B3n%3A%20Es%20la%20autorizaci%C3%B3n%20que,impida%20valerse%20por%20s%C3%AD%20mismo

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