The Health Reform Bill 2023 was presented on February 13 before the Congress of the Republic. The initiative proposes a health for the visa, through a preventive and predictive system with the purpose of guaranteeing the provision of health services as a universal right.
The main points of the 2023 health reform are:
- Public health resources will be administered by the State: the initiative proposes that all public health resources be administered by the Resources Administrator of the General System of Social Security in Health, in order to guarantee the right of all citizens. In addition, the creation of a single information system is proposed for control public resources that allows monitoring of financial operations.
- Creation of Primary Health Care Centers (CAP): these centers will provide will provide outpatient care, emergency care, hospitalization, rehabilitation, laboratory tests and public health programs.
- Labor conditions for health workers: aims to create a special labor regime for all health workers to dignify their work with different incentives such as fair salaries and continuous education and updating.
- Provision of the service by public entities public entities and private: health services may be provided by entities of either nature. However, the value of the services paid to them will not depend on competition. but of the Ministry of Health, insofar as the creation of tables with defined values is proposed.
- Transformation of the EPSs: they will become operators of Comprehensive Primary Health Care Centers. They will cover their operation in territories in which they have the largest number of members and should have a better organization of service delivery.
- Inspection, surveillance and control: the Superintendence of Health is strengthened so that it has the capacity to protect public resources and health and to be the main ally of patients.
This proposal has been very controversial, and has generated different opinions and discussions due to the complexity and importance of the issue. Although positive points of the Reform are highlighted, such as the creation of integrated service networks, improved surveillance, control and regulation of the system and the reduction of reimbursements, it is also considered that there has not been an adequate diagnosis of the public health situation in the country. This has created conceptual and operational gaps that make it difficult to guide decisions in this area. Therefore, doubts arise as to the real possibility of implementation of the proposal by the State.