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Obtaining a Construction License in Colombia

Published on: March 8, 2023
Reading time: 4 min
Obtaining a Construction License in Colombia

What does the procedure consist of?

Obtaining construction licenses is a necessary process to build, remodel or expand a building or construction in Colombia.

This process is mainly regulated by Law 388 of 1997 and Decree 1077 of 2015, in addition to particular rules specific to each municipality.

Failure to comply with building permit rules and regulations can result in penalties and fines for those who do not comply, and can affect the quality and safety of the construction sites and what is built on them.

Likewise, if construction is carried out without a license, the competent entities may impose a penalty of between 70 and 400 legal monthly minimum wages, depending on the project.

Types of Licenses

The types of construction licenses that can be obtained are:


The following documents are required to obtain the construction license:

This list of requirements is not exhaustive since, depending on the competent licensing authority, the location of the project and the type of project in question, additional documents may be required.


This process should be carried out following the steps mentioned below:

  1. Identification of the responsible entity: the entity in charge of granting the license for the specific project must be determined, as this may vary depending on the location of the project. Some of the entities empowered to grant this type of license in Colombia are the Planning Secretariat of the specific municipality, the National Roads Institute (INVIAS), among others.
  2. Building permit application: this application is made by submitting the required documents and proving compliance with all the requirements demanded by the entity in charge.
  3. Payment of fees and charges: fees and charges corresponding to the respective application must be paid. These costs may vary depending on the project and its location.
  4. Review of the application: the competent entity carries out an evaluation of the application submitted with the respective documents to verify that it complies with the established standards and requirements. On some occasions the entity may request modifications or adjustments to the project.
  5. Approval and issuance of the construction license: once the application complies with the established regulations and requirements, the competent entity will issue the respective license. In the license, the competent entity is empowered to include specific conditions for carrying out the project, such as execution deadlines, compliance with technical standards, among others.
  6. Verification and monitoring of construction: during construction, the entity issuing the license is empowered to carry out inspections to verify compliance with the established standards and regulations. Failure to comply with the regulations may result in penalties and fines being imposed by the entity in charge.

This procedure generally takes approximately 45 days but can take up to 4 months.

The duration of the process may vary depending on several factors such as the complexity of the project, the municipality where the project is located, the entity in charge of granting the license and/or the need for adjustments and modifications to the license application.

The cost of this procedure varies according to the type of project and the destination of the construction, the approximate rates can be seen in the following link: https://www.curaduria4.com.co/archivos/EXPENSAS%5F2022.pdf.

According to DANE, 4,573,853 construction licenses were approved during 2019.

In 2020, construction licenses approved decreased with a total of 2,751,740. In 2021 there was a slight increase over the previous year with a total of 2,866,890 building permits approved.

Finally, 2022 also saw an increase in approved building permits with a total of 3,103,461.


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