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Paso a Paso para Crear y Registrar una Empresa en Colombia

Published on: April 30, 2023
Reading time: 3 min
Paso a Paso para Crear y Registrar una Empresa en Colombia

Create a Company in Colombia

To create and register a company in Colombia, it is necessary to follow a series of legal steps that will ensure that your business is properly registered and operating legally.

The following is a step-by-step description of how to create and register a company in Colombia.

Step 1:

Selection of the Company’s Corporate Type

The first thing to do is to select the type of company you want to create. In Colombia, there are several types of companies:

  • Corporations (S.A.)
  • Simplified Joint Stock Company (S.A.S.)
  • Limited Liability Company (LTDA)
  • Limited Partnership
  • Limited joint-stock company
  • General Partnership
  • Sole Proprietorships

Each type has specific requirements and responsibilities, so it is important to learn about each before making a decision.

Step 2:

Name and Registration Verification

The next step is to verify that the name you have selected for your company is available and is not registered by someone else.

You can do this through the website of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), which has a database of registered company names. ( https://www.sic.gov.co/consulta-de-base-de-datos )

Step 3:

Company Registration

Once you have verified that the name is available, you must register your company with the SIC.

To do this, you must file a company registration application that includes the applicant’s data, the trademark to be registered, the express indication of the products or services that will identify the trademark, the payment of the respective official fee, and the payment of the respective official fee.

Step 4:

Obtaining the RUT

The Registro Único Tributario (RUT) is a tax identification number used to identify companies and carry out tax and accounting procedures in Colombia.

To obtain the RUT, you must complete the corresponding form on the DIAN (Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales) website.

Once you have it, you must present it before the Chamber of Commerce to certify the Existence and Legal Representation of the Company.


Step 5:

Obtaining the NIT

The NIT (Tax Identification Number) is a unique number used to identify companies and individuals in Colombia.

To obtain the NIT, you must register in the DIAN information system and submit the required documents, including the RUT and the judicial record certificate.

Step 6:

Record of Accounting Books

Companies in Colombia are required to keep accounting records and to maintain accounting books in which all financial transactions of the company are recorded. These books must be registered with the respective Chamber of Commerce and updated regularly.

Step 7:

Enrollment in the Social Security System

All companies in Colombia are required to register with the social security system, which includes health insurance, pension insurance and occupational risk insurance.

You must register with the EPS (Health Promoting Entity) and ARL (Labor Risks Administrator) corresponding to the company, and also affiliate the workers you have.

Step 8:

Obtaining Licenses and Permits

You may need to obtain additional licenses and permits to operate your business, depending on the type of business and the industry you are in.

These may include building permits, operating licenses, land use permits and sanitary permits.



[ https://www.sic.gov.co/node/82#:~:text=The%20Superintendence%20of%20Industry%20and%20Commerce%20offers%20the%20opti%20opci%C3%B3n%20of,.sic.gov.co ](https://www.sic.gov.co/node/82#:~:text=La%20Superintendencia%20de%20Industria%

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