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Procedures before the National Registry of Civil Status in Colombia

Published on: November 9, 2022
Reading time: 4 min
Procedures before the National Registry of Civil Status in Colombia

Contenido (Traducción): Procedures before the National Registry of Civil Status in Colombia

This is a separate entity from the state branches, its main function is to guarantee the legitimacy, transparency and effectiveness of the electoral process, which is responsible for conducting the elections, supervising the scrutiny, protecting the ballot boxes and the exercise of the vote.

In addition to its electoral functions, it also carries out the national electoral census and the identification and registration of Colombians. Notaries are subject to the review and guidelines of this entity.

Procedures before the national registry that you can carry out:

Identity card for the first time:

Once the child turns 7 years old, this document must be processed. It will require the collection of your biometric data, such as fingerprints, HR and biographic data.

You must bring:

  1. Photographs.
  2. Civil registry of the minor.

Duplicate Identity Card:

If the minor has somehow lost his or her ID card or if it has deteriorated too much, he or she will be able to get his or her ID card back. You must pay a contribution through the PSE line or in person at the collection entities.

Rectification of the Identity Card:

Sometimes inconsistencies in public documents may be credited, ranging from typing errors to errors in the photograph or in the surname. In this case it will be necessary to bring the civil registry and photographs, as well as a confirmation of the RH.


The Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil usually grants some certificates, depending on the procedure to be carried out.

Certificate of Certificate of Certificate Status:

This certificate will contain the information that appears on the certificate. This procedure is free of charge and can be advanced at the following link: https://wsp.registraduria.gov.co/certificado/

Colombian Gold Certificate:

This certificate will only be issued to Colombians over 65 years of age. This distinction can be processed through the following link: https://wsp.registraduria.gov.co/certificado/

Certificate of information of the base document:

This certificate will inform about the document that the holder of a cédula presented at the time it was issued for the first time.

Certificate of voter registration (Antigua):

This certification will report on the cédulas that were issued before November 24, 1952.

Certificate of change of biographical data (rectification):

If you made any changes to your biographical data, for example, rectifications of the citizenship card, change of sex or any situation related to this.

Certificate of particular signs:

Some people will have some sign that stands out or is worthy of being explicitly named within the data and that are in the National Identification File ANI.

Certificate of no cedulado (NO ANI):

It is possible that a Colombian citizen does not process his or her cédula, in which case, he or she may contact the National Registrar’s Office to request proof of why he or she has not processed his or her cédula and according to his or her first and last names.

Certificate of nationality:

It is the way in which Colombian nationality can be demonstrated. Only those 18 years of age or older with a valid ID card may apply.

If a person makes the sex change in his/her civil registry, he/she may also request a new number for his/her ID card, since this numbering was assigned depending on the sex of the individual, however, this procedure may not be carried out for ID cards that have or exceed 10 digits, since this number is unique and personal, this number is known as NUIP Unique Personal Identification Number. In this case, the person will have to make a sex modification by means of a rectification of the cédula.

To process these certificates, you may do so at any registry office in the country, Colombian consulates abroad, Departmental Delegations and in Bogotá D.C. OPADI offices, CAIC (Citizen’s Attention and Information Center).

The delivery time of these certificates usually varies depending on the agency where they are processed, in Bogotá they will be delivered the same day. In other offices it may take from 2 to 15 business days.

Discharge of the citizenship card for completed sentence:

When a person is sentenced to an intramural custodial measure, he/she loses some benefits such as political rights. Once you have served your sentence, you will be able to complete this procedure to recover your valid status in the National Identification File (ANI). You can check the current status of your cédula by clicking on the following link: https://wsp.registraduria.gov.co/certificado/


#1 https://www.registraduria.gov.co/-Quienes-somos-.html

#2 https://www.registraduria.gov.co/-Otros-Tramites-y-Certificaciones-.html

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