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Recognition of Colombian degrees in Spain

Published on: June 3, 2021
Reading time: 8 min
Recognition of Colombian degrees in Spain

When you wish to obtain recognition of Colombian degrees in Spain in order to be able to practice or pursue higher education studies, it is necessary to keep in mind that there are three different procedures to obtain this recognition: homologation, validation and equivalence.

However, although the three procedures have the same purpose, which is to have studies carried out in a foreign country recognized in Spain, we will discuss the necessary steps for each process.

Thus, the homologation of a foreign degree to a Spanish degree is important since it allows access to a regulated profession, which will entail the possibility of practicing the regulated profession in question, under the same conditions as the holders of Spanish degrees.

If you want to know more about the process of homologation of Colombian degrees in Spain, we invite you to continue reading this article.


First, we will define the three procedures that people with Colombian degrees have to follow to obtain professional recognition in Spain:


The homologated degree has the characteristic of having the same academic and professional effects as the Spanish academic degree. Likewise, the degree refers to the exercise of a higher degree profession, or master’s degree.

To know in which cases or professions the homologation proceeds, they are those regulated in Annex 1 of Royal Decree 967/2014 of November 21. There are a total of 32 professions that give rise to be able to apply for homologation.

The professions that can be homologated are the following:

  • Physician.
  • Veterinarian.
  • Nurse.
  • Physical therapist.
  • Dentist.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Speech therapist.
  • Optician-Optometrist.
  • Podiatrist.
  • Occupational Therapist.
  • Dietitian Nutritionist.
  • General Health Psychologist*.
  • Civil, Mining, Industrial, Aeronautical, Aeronautical, Agricultural, Forestry, Naval and Oceanic, and Telecommunications Engineers.
  • Architect*.
  • Technical Engineer: Mining, Public Works, Aeronautical, Agricultural, Forestry, Naval, Industrial, Surveying Technical Engineer.
  • Technical Architect.
  • Teacher in Early Childhood Education.
  • Teacher in Primary Education.
  • Teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching.
  • Lawyer*.
  • Court Attorney*.

In the case of degrees in Civil Engineering; Mining, Industrial, Aeronautical, Agricultural, Forestry, Naval and Oceanic, and Telecommunications, an additional step must be taken: the equivalence of the degree and the homologation of the master’s degree must be requested.

With the same degree obtained in the country of origin it is possible to apply for both degrees, bearing in mind that the engineering degree must have at least five years of study in the country of origin where it was taken.



Validation, on the other hand, is about recognizing some subjects in order to be able to continue studies in a higher education institution in Spain.

It is then appropriate the validation for those higher studies not completed, and the careers that are in asterisk, corresponding to Annex 1 of Royal Decree 967/2014 of November 21, which are:

  • Lawyer.
  • Attorney at Law.
  • Architect.
  • General Health Psychologist.

The above careers, although regulated, cannot apply for homologation because, on the one hand, they require a master’s degree that enables their realization, and on the other hand, they must belong to the respective mandatory collegiate. This is why the option of validation is offered, in order to be able to practice these professions in Spain.

Likewise, with respect to the teaching professions of Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Languages, it is necessary to previously complete a Master’s Degree in Pedagogy if you are interested in teaching.


However, in the case of being in a non-regulated profession, i.e. not listed in Annex 1 of Royal Decree 967/2014 of 21 November, equivalence must be chosen.

This is the case of the following professions:

  • Journalism.
  • Business administration and management.
  • Art.
  • Humanities.
  • Biological Sciences.
  • Physical, Chemical and Geological Sciences.
  • Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Information Technology.
  • Engineering not mentioned in the regulated ones.
  • Agriculture.
  • Forestry.
  • Fishing.
  • Philosophy.
  • Letters.

This is why, unlike homologation, in equivalence the holder must take certain courses or subjects in order to be able to practice in Spain.

Who must homologate their university degree in order to practice or pursue higher education in Spain?

In the first place, it must be taken into account that it depends on the profession for which the person must be registered in the pertinent collegiate in order to be authorized to practice it. The following professions must be registered as members of a professional association:

  • Health professionals on a mandatory basis.
  • Architects, engineers, lawyers.
  • If you are going to pursue higher official studies, such as master’s degrees and doctorates.
  • If you are going to practice in public organizations.

Step-by-step procedure for the homologation of Colombian degrees in Spain

Both for the homologation of Colombian degrees in Spain and for equivalence, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements:

General Documentation

In the case of requesting the homologation of Colombian degrees in Spain, all documents provided must be official and issued by the competent authorities, in accordance with the legal system of the country in question.

The original documents must be duly legalized and accompanied by an authenticated copy with the corresponding official translation into Spanish, if applicable.

  • Authenticated copy of the document proving the identity and nationality of the applicant.
  • Photocopy of the degree whose homologation is requested or of the certification of its issuance, duly authenticated.
  • Copy of the academic certification, duly authenticated, of the studies carried out to obtain the degree, stating: the official duration in academic years of the study plan, the subjects taken and the total hourly load of each of them expressed in hours or in ECTS credits (European).
  • Accreditation of the payment of the tax form 790.
  • Accreditation of the linguistic competence required to practice the corresponding regulated profession in Spain.

Specific documentation

If the title corresponds to the profession of Physician[1]:

  • If the degree has been obtained before the 6 years prior to the date of presentation of the application, it is mandatory to present documentation accrediting the professional practice in conditions of practice as a self-employed physician, or if it is the case, the continuous training of at least 3 years within the last 5 years.
  • When the graduate resides in a country other than that in which the degree was issued and cannot accredit professional experience in recent years in the country of degree, in addition to the documents accrediting professional practice as a self-employed physician, the interested party must provide the accrediting certification from the institution where he/she completed his/her studies, as well as a copy of the homologation of his/her degree that enables him/her to practice as a physician in that country of residence.

Additional steps for lawyers[2]:

In order to homologate a law degree in Spain and to be able to practice under this profession, the qualifying master’s degree and the validation must be completed:

  • To request a waiver of nationality before the Ministry of Justice. The maximum term for the resolution of the application is three months.
  • Presentation of the entrance exam, before the Ministry of Justice. This is carried out once the training period (master’s degree) has been completed, and the registration for the exam is then carried out. There are two calls per year to be able to present it, and it is necessary to obtain a passing grade.
  • Finally, it is compulsory to be a member of the Spanish Bar Association corresponding to the territorial area in which the sole or main professional domicile is established. It is allowed to practice throughout the country.
  • Likewise, the other requirements that are demanded of a Spanish lawyer are: registration with the Tax Authorities, Social Security or Mutual de Abogados, certificates of criminal record in Spain and payment of the registration fees, in addition to the professional civil liability insurance.

Where can the authentication of documents and submission of the application be requested?

The competent authorities are:

  • Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
  • Government Subdelegations.
  • Spanish Embassies and Consulates.
  • Notary.

Before whom is the application for the homologation of Colombian degrees in Spain filed?

The application for the homologation of Colombian degrees in Spain can be filed at any public registry of the General State Administration, Autonomous Communities and some of the Local Administrations (City Councils that have signed agreements that empower them to act as Public Registries).

Colombian degrees homologation process in Spain

1. The application is made through the Ministry of Education’s website. Or in person by downloading the form for official university degrees for Spanish academic degree and presenting it together with the documents at any public registry of the General State Administration or the corresponding Autonomous Community.

2. The resolution must be awaited. This may take several months.

3. Notification, with three possible responses:

  • The homologation of the degree abroad to the corresponding degree
  • Conditional homologation, in the event that it is necessary to fulfill certain complementary training requirements, which will be indicated in the same notification in order to obtain the final homologation of the degree.
  • The denial of the homologation, in the event that the dossier does not comply with all the requested requirements.

In the event that the homologation of Colombian degrees in Spain is conditioned to the fulfillment of certain complementary training requirements, the deadline is as follows[3]:

  • Cases processed in accordance with Royal Decree 285/2004, of February 20, 2004: the period ends after 4 years have elapsed, counting from the date of notification of the resolution.
  • Files processed in accordance with Royal Decree 967/2014, of November 21: the term ends once 6 years have elapsed, counting from the date of notification of the resolution.


Data from the Ministry of Education indicate that the average duration of the procedure is between a minimum of 9 months and a maximum of 18 months, depending on the administrative criteria[4].

Costs for the homologation of Colombian degrees in Spain

It is the one related to the voucher of the payment of the tax of the Model 790. It can be made at any Bank, Savings Bank or Credit Union.

The cost of the application for Approval of Colombian higher education degrees in Spain to official Spanish university degrees of Bachelor’s or Master’s that give access to a regulated profession in Spain, as well as the application of Equivalence of a foreign higher education degree at the academic level of official university Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in branches of knowledge and specific fields, is 164.85 euros.[5].

In conclusion

The homologation of Colombian degrees in Spain is a necessary procedure if you wish to work in Spain, since it allows the recognition of your previous studies in this country.

It is a time-consuming process and, although it can be done autonomously, it is recommended to be accompanied and advised by an expert lawyer who will guide you through the whole process.

At Servicio Legal, we have the best lawyers in immigration and labor law and we can accompany you during the whole process of homologation of Colombian degrees in Spain.

Contact us through our website to schedule your consulting appointment.


[1]Article: Homologate in Spain the title of lawyer, architect or general health psychologist obtained abroad. Attorney Romulo Parra (2017). Retrieved from: https://romuloparraabogado.com/homologar-en-espana-el-titulo-de-abogado-arquitecto-o-psicologo-general-sanitario-extranjero

[2] Homologation of university degrees. Retrieved from: https://www.amircolombia.com/colombia/homologaciones/

[3]Homologation of foreign higher education degrees to official university Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees that give access to a regulated profession in Spain. Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Retrieved from: http://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/servicios-al-ciudadano/catalogo/gestion-titulos/estudios-universitarios/titulos-extranjeros/homologacion-educacion-superior.html

[4]Article: Homologation and equivalence of university degrees in Spain (2020). Retrieved from: https://www.legalizados.es/homologacion-y-equivalencia-de-titulos-universitarios-en-espana/

[5] Article: how to validate a Colombian university degree in Spain. Manuela Osorio (2019). Retrieved from: https://vinculos.co/convalidar-titulo-universitario-colombiano-en-espana

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