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Labor Law

Reduction of working hours

Published on: November 17, 2023
Reading time: 2 min
Reduction of working hours

As of July 15, 2023, there will be a reduction in working hours due to Law 2101 of 2021, which mandated the progressive reduction of the working week from 48 to 42 hours per week. It is important to mention that this reduction will be made gradually so as not to reduce the salary and not to affect acquired rights and guarantees of workers, however, although Colombian companies may choose to opt for the 42-hour work week once, from July 2023.

This proposal seeks to improve the quality of life of workers, encourage work-life balance, and promote formal employment.

Employee benefits

  • Improved quality of life: A reduced workday would allow employees to have more free time to devote to personal, family, rest and recreation activities, which contributes to their well-being and work-life balance.
  • Health and well-being: A reduced workload can reduce stress and fatigue, which in turn can have a positive impact on employees’ physical and mental health.
  • Increased productivity: Studies have suggested that a shorter workday can increase productivity due to greater concentration and motivation during work time. Employees can feel more motivated and engaged by having more time to rest and recuperate.

Benefits for companies

  • Talent retention: Offering shorter working hours can be attractive to employees, which can help retain key workers and attract new talent.
  • Improved work climate: A balanced workday can contribute to a better work climate, with more satisfied and engaged employees.
  • Efficiency and work organization: A shorter working day can promote efficiency and work organization, as employees are encouraged to prioritize their tasks and optimize their time.

Finally, in the event that the companies do not respect the working day limits, investigations may be opened by the Ministry of Labor and the workers will have the possibility of going to the ordinary courts in order to order the company to pay damages for exceeding the legal limit and to collect for the non-recognition of surcharges.


https://www.larepublica.co/economia/a-partir-del-15-de-julio-cambiara-la-jornada-laboral-confirmo-el-ministerio-de-trabajo-3555174#:~:text=The%20minister%20of%20the%20portfolio,%20as%20occurs%20now%2C%20but%2047 .




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