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Renunciation of Colombian nationality

Published on: June 16, 2021
Reading time: 8 min
Renunciation of Colombian nationality

Giving up Colombian nationality? It is a right available to all nationals and the reasons for deciding to renounce such nationality vary according to the needs of the applicant.

In this opportunity we would like to explain to you in depth what this right is about, how the procedure can be carried out, and some considerations that you should take into account if you access this measure.

What does renouncing Colombian nationality consist of?

According to Law 43 of 1993, as amended by Law 962 of 2005, Colombian nationals have the right to renounce their nationality.

Renunciation of Colombian nationality is the procedure through which a Colombian national, by birth (Article 96 of the Political Constitution of Colombia) or by adoption (Law 43 of 1993), requests to renounce Colombian nationality, provided that the legal requirements established in Law 43 of 1993 are met.

Requirements and documents needed to renounce Colombian nationality

The request to renounce Colombian nationality may only be presented before the competent official of the place where he/she is domiciled. If you are domiciled abroad, you must carry out this procedure before the respective Consul.

  • Written request indicating your willingness to renounce your Colombian nationality, for which you must indicate: full name, Colombian citizenship card, Colombian passport (if you have one), and the other nationality you have or are in the process of applying for. Likewise, you must indicate your city of domicile and address of residence in Colombia, fixed telephone number, cellular phone number and e-mail address.
  • Manifestation of the applicant stating its willingness to be notified by electronic means, if so desired;
  • Four (4) photos, front view, white or blue background, recent and equal to each other, size 4×5 cm.
  • Submit a valid citizenship card and a valid Colombian passport (if you have one).
  • Suitable document by means of which it is demonstrated that he/she possesses another nationality or that he/she is in the process of applying for it.
  • For male applicants between 18 and 50 years of age, proof that they have defined their military status in accordance with the law in force in Colombia, unless they have defined their military status in the country of their other nationality, which must be proven by means of a certificate from the competent foreign authority.
  • Be notified of the act of renunciation of Colombian nationality, after being summoned by the Internal Working Group on Nationality of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the respective Consulate[1].


in the case of Colombians domiciled in foreign territory:

  • Certificate of good conduct issued by a competent authority.
  • Documents issued in countries that are part of the “Convention on the Abolition of the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, 1961”, must be apostilled by the competent authority of the country where the document originates. Otherwise, the documents must be legalized by the competent Colombian consul. Any document in a language other than Spanish must be officially translated and the translation must be legalized or apostilled, as the case may be.
  • The photo will be taken by the respective officer at the consular office premises.

In the case of Colombian minors:

  • The written request is submitted through those who, jointly or separately, exercise parental authority. In the case of minors domiciled in national territory, it must contain the corresponding personal presentation before a Notary Public. In the case of minors domiciled abroad, before the consulate official.
  • Simple copy of the Colombian Civil Registry of Birth of the minor.
  • Original and a simple copy of the Identity Card if issued (for those between 8 and 18 years of age).
  • Original and simple copy of the Colombian passport if issued.
  • Suitable document by means of which it is demonstrated that he/she possesses another nationality, or that he/she is in the process of applying for it.
  • Simple copy of the identification documents of those who or separately exercise parental authority.
  • 4 photos 4×5 cm, document type, white background. If the renunciation of nationality is carried out abroad, the photo will be taken by the respective official at the premises of the consular office.

Step by step procedure to renounce Colombian nationality

  1. The procedure to renounce Colombian nationality must be carried out in person, for this purpose the Colombian citizen must request an appointment through the following link http://pqrs.cancilleria.gov.co/ and attach the documents established in our internal legislation in PDF file. Please note that all the pages contained in the foreign passport and the Colombian passport, if issued, must be digitized[2].
  2. Once the Internal Working Group on Nationality of the Directorate of International Legal Affairs verifies the documentation provided, in response to the request, the day and time will be indicated on which the Waiver procedure will be carried out at the Ministry’s facilities.
  3. On the day of the appointment, you must bring the original documents in order to successfully complete the Waiver of Nationality process.
  4. The value of the procedure must be paid, reference that payment will be delivered on the day of the face-to-face appointment.
  5. Subsequently, the Ministry will have a term of two (2) months for the issuance of the “ACTA DE RENUNCIA”, which will be counted from the cancellation of the value of the procedure[3].


With the fulfillment of the requirements contemplated in the current legislation, a maximum term of two (2) months counted from the date of receipt of the application for the issuance of an “Act of Renunciation” document by means of which it is stated that the Colombian national has renounced his nationality.

Consequences or implications of renouncing Colombian nationality

The first fact is that the person begins to be considered a foreigner, so he/she automatically loses the rights and obligations as a Colombian national, which implies some restrictions established by the Constitution, such as, for example, not being able to vote in national elections[4].

Likewise, in relation to the obligations, they must submit to the regulations corresponding to their new immigration status. This means that if they remain in Colombian territory, they must apply for a visa and go through the process of issuing a foreigner’s identification card for their identification within the country.

Additionally, another implication is that individuals will have to update the cadastral status of their personal property, real estate, bank accounts and affiliations, with the documents that identify them as foreigners.

Regarding taxation, persons resident in the country are subject to the taxes established in the current tax legislation[5].

Costs and means of payment in Colombia

It has a value of $104,000, which must be paid at Banco Sudameris.

Costs and means of payment abroad

  • Europe and Cuba, costs € 57 euros.
  • Rest of the world, it has a cost of USD $ 83 dollars.

When you go to make your procedure, you should verify with the nearest Consulate the available means of payment offered.

Is it possible to regain citizenship again?

What does it consist of?

Pursuant to Law 43 of 1993, nationals by birth or by adoption who have renounced their Colombian nationality, may recover it, by applying to the Internal Working Group on Nationality at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bogota, the Colombian Consulates or before the Governors’ Offices, complying with the steps and requirements legally established for such effect under Decree 1067 of 2015.


The following documents must be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Colombian Consulates or the Governors’ Offices:

Colombian nationals by birth

  • Written request in which he/she expresses his/her will to recover the Colombian nationality. Likewise, he/she must state his/her will to support and abide by the Political Constitution and the laws of the Republic and if he/she has another nationality, he/she must mention it. Likewise, you must indicate your contact information (city of domicile and address of your residence in Colombia, fixed telephone number, cellular phone number and e-mail and the statement in which you state your will to be notified by electronic means).
  • Simple copy of the citizenship card, if you have it, or copy of the civil registry of birth. Persons born before 1938 may present their baptismal certificate.
  • Certificate of Renunciation of Colombian nationality or suitable document showing the date of naturalization in the State of your other nationality.
  • Recent photo, for document, size 4×5 cm, white background.
  • It is recommended to attach a simple copy of the passport of your current nationality.

Colombian nationals by adoption

  • Written request in which the applicant expresses his or her will to recover Colombian nationality, submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombian Consulates or Governors’ Offices. Likewise, he/she must state his/her willingness to support and abide by the Political Constitution and the laws of the Republic, and if he/she has another nationality, he/she must mention it. Additionally, you must indicate your contact information (city of domicile and address of your residence in Colombia, fixed telephone number, cellular phone number and e-mail address, as well as a statement of your desire to be notified by electronic means).
  • Simple copy of citizenship card, resolution of registration or letter of nature.
  • Certificate of good conduct and judicial record issued by the competent authority.
  • Proof of domicile in Colombia for a minimum term of one (1) year, before filing the application for recovery of nationality.
  • Recent photo, for document, 4×5 cm size, white background
  • It is recommended to attach a simple copy of the certificate of renunciation of Colombian nationality.


Minors may also recover their nationality by extension of their parents’ application:

When formulating the request for the recovery of nationality, with the requirements foreseen, the applicants may extend it to minor children with the purpose of making them Colombian by birth, provided they comply with the requirement of domicile in Colombia.

Together with the application for recovery of nationality, the appropriate document proving kinship, parental authority and birth in a foreign land must be submitted.

Step by step

  1. Foreigners wishing to recover their Colombian nationality must carry out the procedure online, from the following virtual link: https://tramitesmre.cancilleria.gov.co/tramites/enlinea/solicitarNacionalidad.xhtml
  2. The official before whom the application is presented, once the documentation has been examined and the requirements set forth in this chapter have been fulfilled, shall proceed to prepare the certificate of recovery of Colombian nationality, for which he/she shall have a maximum term of five (5) working days from the moment of receipt of the application.
  3. Once the Recovery Act has been signed, it will be notified in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure and Administrative Disputes, to the e-mail address registered for such purpose.
  4. As soon as the administrative act becomes final, the citizen may go to the National Registry of Civil Status or the Passport Group of this Ministry to apply for Colombian identity documents[6].


There is a term of five (5) working days for the issuance of the Administrative Act “Act of Recovery of Colombian nationality”. This term is counted from the day following the day on which the application is created[7].


This procedure is exempt from payment.


[1] Renunciation of Colombian nationality. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia. Retrieved from: https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/en/node/646

[2] Colombian nationality. Retrieved from: https://frankfurt.consulado.gov.co/tramites%5Fservicios/nacionalidad

[3] Renunciation of Colombian nationality. Retrieved from: https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tramites%5Fservicios/nacionalidad/renuncia

[4] Article: Why renounce Colombian nationality? Semana magazine (2017). Retrieved from: https://www.semana.com/edicion-impresa/pais/articulo/por-que-renunciar-a-la-nacionalidad-en-colombia/241562/

[5] Primer on Colombian nationality. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved from: https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/53070ec74.pdf

[6] Article: Renunciation and recovery of Colombian nationality. Retrieved from: https://www.colexret.com/2020/07/07/renuncia-y-recuperacion-de-la-nacionalidad-colombiana/

[7] Article Decree 1067 of 2015.

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