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Temporary protection status for Venezuelan migrants

Published on: April 16, 2021
Reading time: 4 min
Temporary protection status for Venezuelan migrants

A the end of December 2020, Migration Colombia estimated that there were around 1,729,000 Venezuelan migrants in Colombian territory, 56 percent of whom were in an irregular situation.

In addition, it istima that Venezuelan migration rates will continue to increase in the country.

In this context, the Colombian government has seen the need to regulate the conditions for Venezuelan Venezuelans and therefore created the temporary protection statute.

The Temporary Statute of Protection for Venezuelan Migrants is, therefore, a tool to provide protection to all Venezuelans through the generation of a registry of information on the migrant population so that, laterto be the granting of the granting of the temporary benefit of regulation.

In other words, the Statute is conformedthe Single Registry of Venezuelan Migrants and the Permission for Venezuelan Migrants. Temporary Protection.

Who can apply for Temporary Protected Status for Venezuelan migrants?

In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of Decree 216 of 2021, which createdó Venezuelan migrants who wish to apply for this protection and wish to remain in Colombia on a temporary basis must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Estar at the country on a regular basis. In this case, the person must be holder of a valid Entry and Stay Permit (PIP), Temporary Stay Permit (PTP) or Special Stay Permit (PEP), whatever its stage of issuance, including the Special Permit to Stay for the Promotion of Formalization (Permiso Especial de Permanencia para el Fomento de la Formalización (PEPFF).
  2. Be in the country on a regular basis as the holder of a salvoconducto of permanence (SC-2) in the context of the processing of an application for recognition of refugee status.
  3. Being in the country irregularly as of January 31, 2021. For this caseall Venezuelan migrants will haven to demonstrate its permanence in the territory Colombian, in accordance with the terms and tools that determine the Special Administrative Unit for Migration Colombia.
  4. Enter a Colombia on a regularly by means of de the puestos on control migratory legally authorizeds. In addition, you must have complied con the requirements indicated in the normtivity during the first 2 years of the validity of the estatute.

How to apply?

Any Venezuelan who wishes to avail himself of the temporary protection status for Venezuelan migrants must do the following,
first of all registration in the Unified Registry of Venezuelan Migrants.

To be included in the Registration must meet the following requirements:

1. Estar in any of the four conditions mentioneds above.

2. Estar in the national territory.

3. Submit the identification document, valid or expired. The document shall be:

  • Passport.
  • Certificate of identity venezolana.
  • Permission especial de permanencia.
  • Birth certificate (for for minoris of age).

4. Show the intention to remain temporarily in Colombia by means of an express declaration.

5. To grant authorization for collection of biometric biometric data, biographical data y demographic data.

To take into account:

Alls the persons includings in the Single Registry of Venezuelan Migrants tienen obligation to update their data when a change in the situation or information initially registered..


secondly secondly, a Temporary Protection Temporary Protection Permit must be processed.

The Temporary Protected Permit (TPP) eis a immigration regularization mechanism and identification document that enables migrants to obtain a Venezuelans to remain in the the country on a regular basis and under special conditions special conditions.

During the term of the permit you may engage in any activity or legal occupation in the nationalnational territory.

To apply for the obtaining the permitthe Venezuelan must:

  1. Eome to inescribed in the Single Registry of Venezuelan Migrants.
  2. Not having annotations o criminal record or administrative, sanctioning or sanctioning or judicial proceedings in progress abroad o in Colombia.
  3. No ongoing administrative immigration investigations in progress.
  4. Not having any expulsion, deportation or economic sanction in force or in force in force against you.
  5. Do not present any type of conviction for intentional crimes.
  6. No be recognized as a refugee or have been granted asylum in another country.
  7. Not having an application for international protection in force in another country. However, it applies if le hubiera been denied.a the request would have been denied.

To keep in mind:

El Venezuelan who is the holder of a PerProtection Protection Protection may not count on any other type of permit issued by the Special Administrative Unit for Migration Colombia or a visa issued by the the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the event of a permit other than the temporary protection permit, the latter will be automatically maintained and the will cancel the other. When the permit and a visa concur, the former will be automatically cancelled and the visa will be maintained.

How to complete the Single Registry of Venezuelan Migrants?

The registration will be done virtual with a photograph (biometric).

Before whom is the Temporary Protection Status for Venezuelan migrants processed?

Both the Single Registry of Venezuelan Migrants and the issuance of the Temporary Protection Permit is carried outrá before the Special Administrative Unit of Migration Colombia.

However, this entity has not yet defined the implementation and cost of these procedures.

When does the Statute become effective?

The temporary protection status for Venezuelan migrants is effective as of June 2021.

In this regard, it is recalled that it is a mechanism created this year and is awaiting created this year and is awaiting a pronouncement from Migration Colombia for its regulation and implementation.

For this reason, hntil now, the, the duration is unknown, ethe cost y, in general, the details ofthe procedure for the single registration and the temporary protection permit. permit.

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