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Validation of a foreign degree in Colombia

Published on: July 14, 2023
Reading time: 3 min
Validation of a foreign degree in Colombia

First of all, it is important to mention that the validation of a foreign degree in Colombia refers to the formal recognition that Colombian Higher Education Institutions grant to partial studies carried out abroad, and has the purpose of continuing studies in a Colombian HEI.

This procedure is developed autonomously by each HEI and is generally established in the internal regulations of each institution. Validation is the recognition process that the Ministry of National Education carries out on a higher education degree granted by an institution legally authorized by the competent authority in the respective country to issue higher education degrees, in such a way that, with such recognition, the same academic and legal effects are acquired as those of the degrees granted by Colombian higher education institutions.

Considering the above, validation is of great importance, since it allows foreign professionals to practice their profession in the country, as long as they comply with the established requirements and regulations and acquire the same academic and legal effects in Colombia as the degrees granted by Colombian higher education institutions.

Is it necessary to go through a process of validation of a foreign degree in Colombia?

This process is not mandatory in all cases, but it is commonly required in employment and contractual processes. According to the Ministry of Education, the validation of a foreign degree in Colombia is required in the following cases:

  1. When the degrees to be validated correspond to regulated careers, the professional associations require it in order to grant the professional card.
  2. For people who wish to work in the public sector as contractors or civil servants.
  3. To participate in public bids.
  4. If you have a bachelor’s degree or are a teacher, the validation of the degree will be required for placement on the teaching scale.

How do I validate a foreign degree in Colombia?

The process of homologation of foreign degrees in Colombia is carried out through the Ministry of National Education. To start the process, the applicant must present the necessary documents, such as the identity card, diploma of the degree being presented duly apostilled or legalized and translated if it is in a language other than Spanish, certificate of subjects duly apostilled or legalized and translated if it is in a language other than Spanish. There are additional requirements for the homologation of graduate degrees, undergraduate degrees in law, accounting or health areas.

The stages of the process are:

  1. Creation of the user in the Higher Education Validation Information System.
  2. Completion of the form and uploading of documents.
  3. Analysis by the Ministry of National Education.
  4. Where appropriate, you will be asked to correct the form or upload the pending documents.
  5. Review of the legality of the documentation.
  6. Verification of the applicable validation criteria (accreditation or recognition / administrative precedent / academic evaluation).
  7. Decision by administrative act.
  8. Notification to the applicant.

The processing fee for undergraduate degrees is $777,836.08 Colombian pesos and for graduate degrees $883,866.08 Colombian pesos. Payment can be made through PSE and the process will take between 60 to 180 calendar days.





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