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Visa for artists and athletes in Colombia: requirements and procedures according to new resolution

Published on: August 15, 2023
Reading time: 3 min
Visa for artists and athletes in Colombia: requirements and procedures according to new resolution

The visa for artists and athletes in Colombia belongs to the type of visitor visas, specifically to the category of events. This category is intended for to attend conventions and business, cultural or academic activities as a speaker, exhibitor, participant, artist, athlete, juror, contestant, organizer or logistical personnel.

In case the foreigner belongs to one of the countries exempted from visa requirements, he/she will not have to go through any procedure to enter Colombia as long as his/her stay does not exceed 180 calendar days and that, due to the activity to be developed, he/she does not receive a salary in the country.

On the other hand, in case a visa is required, it will be valid for up to 1 year and will only allow the maximum stay in the national territory for 180 days maximum, either continuous or discontinuous. It does not allow applications as beneficiary.

The specific requirements for visa type V events are:

The visa for artists and athletes in Colombia (V visa) must be requested directly by the legal person responsible for the applicant in Colombia, after fulfilling the following requirements:

  1. Submit a reasoned communication signed directly by the legal representative of the legal entity acting on its behalf, clearly containing the following information:
    • Full identification of the legal entity indicating the NIT in case of being incorporated in Colombia and contact information.
    • Complete identification of the foreigner.
    • Letter from the legal representative of the legal entity supporting the application, indicating the activity that the foreigner intends to carry out in Colombia, its duration, the type of relationship or link of the legal entity with the foreigner and indicating who assumes the economic responsibility for the expenses inherent to the travel and stay of the foreigner in the national territory. This communication must also include the details of other foreign nationals that the company or legal entity has supported. The legal entity must also undertake before the national government to guarantee the return of the foreigner to his/her country of origin or to report if the foreigner remains irregularly in the national territory.
    • Explanation of the relationship or type of relationship with the foreigner for whom the visa is requested and the special qualifications or expertise of the foreigner, if any.
    • Declaration of financial responsibility for the expenses inherent to the travel and stay of the foreigner in Colombia, in which the legal entity also assumes the commitment to inform the Visa and Immigration Authority immediately any change in the conditions under which the visa was granted. to guarantee the return of the foreigner to his/her country of origin and to inform if the foreigner remains irregularly in the national territory. This declaration must be signed by hand and with fingerprint of the right or left index finger, or right or left thumb: or before a foreign competent authority, in which case it must be apostilled or legalized, as appropriate;
  2. When the legal entity supporting the application is private and incorporated abroad, a certificate of existence, incorporation or constitution and legal representation or a document that takes its place must be provided, with the formalities provided for the presentation of foreign documents..
  3. Proof of the financial solvency of the legal entity by means of bank statements corresponding to the three (3) months prior to the application. In the case of a public entity, it is not necessary to comply with this requirement.

In addition to the above, it should be noted that the procedure consists of two stages, which have different costs. The first stage corresponds to the study, which costs 42.25 EUR for Europe and Cuba, and 54.92 USD for Colombia and the rest of the world. The second stage, which is the expedition, cost 101.4 EUR for Europe and Cuba and for Colombia and the rest of the world 177.03 USD. In the case of Ecuadorian, Japanese, Korean and Peruvian nationals settling in the Amazon and Putumayo river basins, the differential rates indicated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on its website should be reviewed.

*In the case of Spanish nationals the procedure will be free of charge.

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