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What is the Work Visa for Colombia?

Published on: April 19, 2023
Reading time: 2 min
What is the Work Visa for Colombia?

The work visa in Colombia is one of the most requested visas by foreigners who wish to come to the country to work and live.

This type of visa allows foreigners to obtain a legal work permit and temporary residence in Colombia, which gives them the opportunity to develop their professional career in a dynamic and multicultural environment.

In this article, we will explore in detail everything you need to know about this type of visa, the requirements of the procedure and the benefits it offers.

This visa belongs to the category type M, i.e. migrant visa applicable to any foreigner who aspires to work with a legal entity through an employment contract, in this sense, the work permit is granted exclusively for the position, entity, profession or activity for which it was granted and is valid for up to 3 years.

The specific requirements to apply for the visa are:

  1. To fill out the contract summary established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed by the legal representative of the legal entity that contracts and the foreigner. In this document the contractor must record the main data that determine the work activity.

( https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/sites/default/files/FOTOS2020/dp-fo-208_resumen_de_contrato_v.22019-06-21_1.pdf )

  1. Motivation letter from the employer, stating the suitability, functions to be performed, training available for the occupation, reasons why a Colombian citizen is not hired for the development of such activity and the number of direct jobs generated by the company.
  2. Certifications or bank statements in the name of the employer for the last 4 months showing an average monthly income of 100 SMMLV.
  3. In the case of a non-regulated profession, provide a copy of the apostilled or legalized and translated professional degree or labor and experience certificates that support its suitability. (the process of apostille or legalization is done only through the page of the chancery and does not require intermediaries: https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tramites_servicios/apostilla_legalizacion_en_linea/requisitos )
  4. In the case of a regulated profession, the foreigner and the hiring legal entity must obtain the corresponding permit or license from the competent Professional Council.


It is important to mention that, if the visa is valid for more than 3 months, it is necessary to register in the foreigners’ registry (https://apps.migracioncolombia.gov.co/registro/public/formularioRegistro.jsf;jsessionid=E87A16470B62FBD1561CF8D54D72A29F) and obtain the Cédula de Extranjería, which is issued by the Unidad Administrativa Especial Migración Colombia, has a cost of 246,000 pesos (for Ecuadorians 5.00 USD) (https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co/cedula-de-extranjeria)

On the other hand, this visa allows applying for a visa for beneficiaries, specifically for the spouse or permanent partner; children up to 25 years of age; or a child with a physical or mental disability, as long as they are economically dependent on the principal visa holder.

Finally, it is allowed to accumulate time for the resident visa after 5 years, which is the minimum time of stay as a holder.

Thus, with the work visa, foreigners can take advantage of the opportunities that Colombia offers and contribute to the growth and development of the country.





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