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Immigration Law

When is a Face-to-Face Interview Required for Colombia Visa Application?

Published on: April 10, 2023
Reading time: 2 min
When is a Face-to-Face Interview Required for Colombia Visa Application?

Resolution 5477 of 2022

Resolution 5477 of 2022 dictates the provisions on visas with the purpose of establishing the types of visas and their scope, conditions, requirements and procedures for the application, study, inadmissibility, denial, authorization, cancellation and termination.

In this regard, based on the provisions of this resolution, the visa application must be made digitally, through the platform provided for this purpose by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


If the applicant is located in Colombia, the application is processed through the “Bogotá offices” option in the menu.

On the contrary, if the applicant is outside Colombia, he/she must file the application before the Consular Office whose circumscription corresponds to his/her own country of residence or where he/she is established with a temporary or permanent residence permit.

In both cases, the required documents must be attached to the application duly digitalized, apostilled or legalized as appropriate and translated into Spanish.

Face-to-Face Interview

In some cases the Visa and Immigration Authority may require the applicant to physically present the original documentation.

However, this is subject to the discretion of the immigration authority.

Resolution 5477 Article 19:

It states that interviews may be conducted in order to ensure the veracity of the activity that the foreigner has developed or aspires to develop in Colombia, to verify compliance with immigration regulations regarding regularity and authorized activity, or when it is necessary to define whether such activity is of national interest.

Taking into account the above information, it is clear that the interview is not a common requirement that must be exhausted in all cases, but it is the immigration authority who decides in which cases it is necessary to carry out this procedure.

For this reason, once the online application has been completed, it is important to pay attention to the e-mail address provided in the form, since in case the authority requires the applicant for an interview, it will be notified by this means.

In summary, following the established procedures and being attentive to the notifications of the migratory authority is key to obtain the visa for Colombia.




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