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Immigration Law

Background request from Mexico

Published on: February 14, 2023
Reading time: 1 min
Background request from Mexico

Background request from Mexico

Mexico, unlike other countries, has not implemented a system for consulting federal judicial records through virtual means. Therefore, the option from outside the country is to apply for a federal criminal record at the embassy or consular office of the country where you are, in person.

The appointment can be requested virtually by following the steps below:

  1. Fill out the
    e5cinco form


    • 1.1. The Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC):
    • 1.1.1. If you have an RFC, you can consult it in the following link provided that you have the CURP
      * 1.1.2. If you do not have an RFC, you must register in person at one of the SAT (Tax Administration Service) offices, with the following documents: CURP or Cédula de Identidad Personal, valid immigration document, official identification, acknowledgement of receipt of the RFC. pre-registration to the RFC if applicable (if desired), proof of tax domicile and proof of tax identification number of the country of residence, if required.
    • 1.2. The unique population registry code (CURP):
      * 1.2.1. If unknown, it can be consulted at the following link
  1. Pay the corresponding fee of $40,621 Colombian pesos.
  2. Request an appointment here

Why would I need to apply for a background check from Mexico?

If you would like a Colombian visa, according to resolution 6045 of 2017, the visa authority may require you to present your judicial record in your country.

Would you like some advice?

Please fill out the following form, and we will get in touch with you.