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Formalities before the Ministry in Colombia

Published on: November 11, 2022
Reading time: 6 min
Formalities before the Ministry in Colombia

Colombia has a distribution of powers based on their balance; the executive, legislative and judiciary need to be balanced among their strength so that they do not have overflowing inferences among themselves. The executive is responsible for the ministries in Colombia, therefore who is in charge of them will be the president and the ministers. There are currently 18 ministries, each in charge of a different sector:

  1. Ministry of the Interior
  2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  3. Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.
  4. Ministry of Justice and Law.
  5. Ministry of National Defense.
  6. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
  7. Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
  8. Ministry of Labor.
  9. Ministry of Mines and Energy.
  10. Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.
  11. Ministry of National Education
  12. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
  13. Ministry of Housing, City and Territory.
  14. Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications.
  15. Ministry of Transportation.
  16. Ministry of Culture.
  17. Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
  18. Ministry of Sports.

The following is a brief explanation of what some ministries do and the procedures that can be carried out before them.

Ministry of the Interior #1

This ministry is oriented towards Colombian aid and seeks to provide protection to the community. Whenever you try to express your ideas or needs, from small contingencies at home or in the neighborhood, the entity that will be able to listen to you will be the Ministry of the Interior. In other words, it will seek to coordinate plans and projects in the area of human rights and citizen coexistence. The current Minister of the Interior is Alfonso Prada Gil #2.

Some of the procedures that can be carried out before this ministry #3:

  • All matters related to non-Catholic religious entities, such as; registration and amendment of bylaws, recognition of their legal status, extension of their legal effects, certificate of existence and legal representation.
  • Registration and updating of community councils
  • Registration and updating of grassroots organizations of Black, Afro-Colombian, Raizal and Palenquero communities.
  • Registration of incorporation and new developments of associations of traditional authorities and/or indigenous cabildos.
  • Registration of change of the legal representative of a religious entity with special or extended legal personality.
  • Registration of the authority or cabildo of the communities and/or indigenous reserves.
  • Certification of the presence of ethnic communities in the area of interest of projects, works or activities.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

It is the Chancellery of the Republic headed by Alvaro Leyva. It is the entity in charge of setting the rules related to migration, as well as all governmental activities with other countries, border control, diplomatic relations with other territories, among many other functions #4.

Some of the procedures that can be carried out before this ministry: #5

  • Apostille or legalization
  • Passports
  • Nationality
  • Judicial Cooperation
  • Visas
  • Other procedures abroad #6 (Generally there are some procedures such as civil registration procedures, identity cards, etc. that must be carried out in Colombian consulates or embassies abroad).

Ministry of Finance and Public Credit

The person in charge of this ministry is José Antonio Ocampo. This public entity is in charge of the Colombian economy, the country’s fiscal policy, influence in the economic sectors and create economic policies for the benefit of the country #7.

Some of the procedures that can be carried out before this ministry #8:

  • Opening, termination and replacement of registered, authorized accounts.
  • Treasury credits.
  • Return of resources.
  • Identification for the exemption of an account from the tax on financial movements.
  • Tax endorsement.

Ministry of Justice and Law

The person in charge of this Ministry is Néstor Iván Osuna. This governmental entity will be responsible for creating policies related to the legal system, defense and legal security. It will also coordinate relations between the Executive and Judicial Branches, acting as a bridge between them. #9

Some of the procedures that can be carried out before this ministry #10:

  • Transfer or repatriation of sentenced persons.
  • Pardon
  • Certificate of Lack of Reports for drug trafficking.
  • Extraordinary authorizations for the handling of controlled chemical substances.
  • License for the cultivation of psychoactive and non-psychoactive cannabis plants.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Cecilia López Montaño is in charge of this ministry, which, like all ministries, is a governmental entity whose function is to regulate and set policies for agricultural, fishing and rural development, as well as development in rural areas of the country. #11

Some of the procedures that can be carried out before this ministry #12:

  • Define and pay the excise tax on beers, siphons, refills and mixtures of domestic and foreign origin.
  • Define and pay excise tax on cigarettes and manufactured tobacco of domestic and foreign origin.
  • Define and pay the tax on outdoor visual advertising.
  • To define the excise tax on liquors, wines, aperitifs and similar of national and foreign origin.

Ministry of Health and Social Protection

In 2022, who is the Minister of Health and Social Protection is Dr. Carolina Corcho. The main function of this entity is to evaluate, direct and formulate policies related to health and public health, as well as social security, such as pensions, economic benefits and professional risks. #13

Some of the procedures that can be carried out before this ministry #14:

  • Practice licenses for health-related professions.
  • Enrollment in mandatory social service.
  • License for the manufacture of cannabis derivatives.
  • Permit for pesticide experimentation.

Ministry of Labor

In 2022, the new labor minister is Gloria Inés Ramírez Ríos. This Ministry is of special interest and importance, since it is in charge of building and setting employment standards in Colombia, as well as strengthening their rights and benefits #15

Some of the procedures that can be carried out before this Ministry #16

  • Order for partial payment of severance payments to the employer or to the severance fund.
  • Authorization allowing work for children and adolescents.
  • Approval for the work regulations created by temporary service companies.
  • Authorization for the termination of an employment or associative work relationship for workers with disabilities.
  • Registration, modification of bylaws of trade union organizations.
  • Answer to cease and desist activities.
  • Job orientation.

Ministry of Mines and Energy

The head of this Ministry is Irene Vélez Torres. This establishment will have the function of creating policies as well as supervising and directing the energy and mining exploitations in Colombia #17.

Some of the procedures that can be carried out before this ministry #18

  • Certificate of exclusive dedication in the hydrocarbon sector.
  • Registration as a fuel alcohol producer.
  • Approval for the importation of liquid fuels.
  • Construction permit to build and operate a plant for the supply of petroleum-derived liquid fuels.
  • Legalization of foreign branches providing services in the hydrocarbons sector.

Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism

This ministry is headed by Germán Umaña Mendoza and its purpose is to adopt policies to improve competitiveness, as well as decisions that may affect tourism in Colombia #19.

Some of the procedures that can be carried out before this ministry #20.

  • Approval of export quotas for raw sugar, panela and sugar products to the United States.
  • Approval of special import-export system programs and their modifications.
  • Approval or modification of import licenses.

Ministry of National Education

The current Minister of Education is Alejandro Gaviria. This ministry is responsible for regulating, monitoring and creating policies in the field of education, as well as the creation of training programs and training.


#1 https://www.mininterior.gov.co/funciones/

#2 https://www.mininterior.gov.co/portal-infantil/que-es-el-ministerio-del-interior/

#3 https://www.mininterior.gov.co/tramites-y-servicios-0/

#4 https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/ministry/about/functions

#5 https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tramites_servicios

#6 https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tramites_servicios/tramites_exterior/cert

#7 https://www.funcionpublica.gov.co/glosario/-/wiki/Glosario+2/Ministry+of+Finance+and+Cr%C3%A9dito+P%C3%BAblico+%3COPEN_PARENTHESIS%3EMHCP%3CCLOSE_PARENTHESIS%3E

#8 https://www.minhacienda.gov.co/webcenter/portal/PortaldeTrmites/pages_PortalTramites

#9 https://www.minjusticia.gov.co/ministerio-co/nuestra-entidad/funciones-del-ministerio

#10 https://www.minjusticia.gov.co/servicio-al-ciudadano/tramites-y-servicios

#11 https://www.minagricultura.gov.co/ministerio/quienes-somos/Paginas/Funciones.aspx

#12 https://www.funcionpublica.gov.co/web/suit/buscadortramites?_com_liferay_iframe_web_portlet_IFramePortlet_INSTANCE_MLkB2d7OVwPr_iframe_query=sello+ecological&p_p_id=com_liferay_iframe_web_portlet_IFramePortlet_INSTANCE_MLkB2d7OVwPr&_com_liferay_iframe_web_portlet_IFramePortlet_INSTANCE_MLkB2d7OVwPr_iframe_find=FindNext&x=0&y=0

#13 https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Portada2021/index.html

#14 https://tramites.minsalud.gov.co/TramitesServicios/

#15 https://www.mintrabajo.gov.co/web/portal-de-ninos-ministerio-del-trabajo/que-es-el-ministerio-del-trabajo

#16 https://www.mintrabajo.gov.co/atencion-al-ciudadano/transparencia/tramites-registrados-en-el-sistema-unico-de-informacion-de-tramites-suit

#17 https://www.minenergia.gov.co/es/ministerio/estructura-organizacional/funciones/

#18 https://servicios.minminas.gov.co/minminas/kernel/mod_moviles/homemov.jsp?cargaHome=3&id_categoria=44&id_subcategoria=191

#19 https://www.mincit.gov.co/minturismo/calidad-y-desarrollo-sostenible/politicas-del-sector-turismo/consejo-superior-de-turismo/funciones-y-composicion/funciones-y-composicion

#20 https://www.mincit.gov.co/servicio-ciudadano/tramites-y-servicios

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