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Portuguese Sephardic Nationality

How much does it cost to obtain Portuguese nationality due to Sephardic origin?

Published on: August 29, 2020
Reading time: 2 min
How much does it cost to obtain Portuguese nationality due to Sephardic origin?

There are many doubts and questions about the subject of obtaining Portuguese nationality by Sephardic origin and in a previous article, we compiled and answered many of these questions; if you have not yet read it or want to read it again, just click here.

In that article we talked in general about the costs of this procedure, so we want to take this opportunity to explain you better the costs of each stage and documentation necessary to carry out this procedure; so, we invite you to read on, so that you can make a budget if you plan to obtain your Portuguese nationality by Sephardic origin.

Some considerations

The procedure for obtaining Portuguese nationality by Sephardic origin is carried out in stages, which require their respective payments. Each stage requires its own documentation in order to be able to study your particular case, and to be able to provide you with the nationality. The price of each document may vary according to the rates of each entity.

Please note that additional costs such as translations and apostilles are not taken into account in the fees established by the different entities, and must be assumed by the applicant.

Finally, this process can be done without the help of an attorney, but, if you decide to be represented by one, you will be charged the respective fees for their services.

Below, we will show you the costs to carry out the procedure.




2200 Euros


  • Advice on how to fill out the family tree.
  • Genealogical feasibility study.
  • Genealogical report management.
  • Application for certification before the Jewish Community of Portugal.
  • Nationality application before the Portuguese Ministry of Justice.
  • Permanent accompaniment during the whole process.

Additional costs

  1. Genealogical report.
  2. Certificate of the Jewish Community of Portugal.
  3. Ministry of Justice Fee.
  4. Official translations of documents.
  5. Apostilles and notary fees.


  1. 300 Dollars.
  2. 500 Euros (250 for each additional family member).
  3. 250 Euros.
  4. 100 Euros.
  5. According to quantity.


Methods of payment

  1. First payment.
  2. Second payment.
  3. Third payment.


  1. 600 Euros fee + 300 dollars genealogical report.
  2. 600 Euros fee + 500 or 250 Euros Jewish Community certificate (depending on the case).
  3. 1000 Euros fee + 250 Euros Portuguese Authority.

Stage of the process

  1. At the signing of the contract.
  2. To introduce himself to the Jewish Community.
  3. To be submitted to the Ministry of Justice.

*Additional costs may vary according to the provisions of each entity, in which case they must be borne by the client.

If you are interested in starting the process to obtain your Portuguese nationality by Sephardic origin, you can contact us by clicking here.

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