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Social security for foreigners in Colombia

Published on: April 19, 2021
Reading time: 6 min
Social security for foreigners in Colombia

A foreigner has the same labor rights as Colombian citizens and in this case, a foreigner has the same labor rights as Colombian citizens. this In this sense, he/she has the right to be affiliated to the social security system for foreigners in Colombia.

The social security system for foreigners in Colombia is health, pensions and labor risks.

Health contributions

Initially, it was necessary to point out that all foreigner before entering Colombia shouldía have a health policy to cover any health contingency.

However, if you did not acquire one or do not have the ability to pay, in the national territory you will be you initial emergency care is guaranteed in the country.

However, the government colombiano has not determined that all inhabitants of the national territory national territory must be affiliated with health care.

At this regard, the first thing you should do is affiliateiarse. The affiliation to the Social Security Health System for foreigners in Colombia is an act that is performed only once through enrollment in a health promoting entity (EPS).

For this, you must have the identification document, which may be:

  • Alien Registration Card
  • Cdiplomat’s harness
  • Salvoconduct of permanence
  • UN Passport for those those who refugees or asylum seekers.
  • Passport for children under 7 years old.
  • Special Permit to Stay.

Please note that if you wish to enroll your your family unit’s affiliation, you will you will have to present your identification documents y accredit kinship or relationship.

However, health insurance is provided by two regimes: the contributory regime and the subsidized regime. It is necessary to know what each one consists of in order to determine which regime should be applied.

What is the contributory regime?

It is when la linkage is is made by means of the payment of an payment of a contribution, individual and family, or a financial contribution.

Who contributes to the contributory regime?

All person that is linked by a contract of employment contract, work as an independent or has the capacity to pay, must be affiliated and contribute to the contributory regime.

These persons make a monthly contribution o contribution to a entity promoter of salud. This entity is responsible for health care through institutions providing health services (IPS).

How is the affiliation to the contributory regime performed?

If you have an employment contract or if you are self-employed, you should maker the subscription of the Single Form of Affiliation and Registration of New Developments to the Social Security Health System at the EPS of your choice. at the EPS of your choice..

After affiliation, sIf you are independent, you must continue to make monthly payments to the system. If you are bound by an employment contract, the employer makes the contribution for you.

What is the subsidized regime?

The Subsidized Regime is el subsidy offered by the State so that people who who do not have ability to payment can accessder to health services.

How to join the subsidized regime?

To become a member of this regime, the SISBEN survey (socioeconomic classification survey) must be applied and be classified in level I. o II.

Once you are in this classification, you must choose the EPS and register with it using the single form of Affiliation and News to the General System of Social Security in Health. It is reminded that in order to become a member you must have an identity document.

To keep in mind:

If you need to request the survey, you will have to go to the respective mayor’s office or planning secretariat of the municipality where you live.

Pension contributions

The General Pension System is in charge of offering guarantees para in cases of disability, old age and death, old age and death. However, not all persons are obliged to contribute to this system..

In accordance with Colombian regulations, Pension membership is voluntary for foreigners who remain in Colombia Colombia with an employment contract y that are not covered, by this system, in another country country.

If I want to sharpen my pensions, how do I do it?

You may choose one of the following administrator of pensions. Then, you must fill out the linking or updating form. ahe General Pension System.

To keep in mind:

If you intend to become a member, you should know that the General Pension System is made up of two regimes:

  1. The Medium Premium Solidarity Regime administered by Colpensions.
  2. Individual Savings with Solidarity System administered by pension fund management companies (AFP).

In any case, you must choose the regime you wish to join.


Contributions to labor risks

The General System of Labor Risks is intended to safeguard workers from from illnesses and calamities that may be occasioned as a result of as a consequence of of the work activities that mayfolding.

Who must contribute to occupational hazards?

National or foreign dependent workers who are contract of employment, and who are y persons linked through a contract for the provision of services with a duration of more than one month.

How do I become a member?

The employer may choose the risk management company where he/she will affiliate the worker.the worker.

En at case of independent independent workerss, they choosewill choose the risk management risk manager and then fill out the enrollment form.

To keep in mind:

Among the ARLs or labor risk administrators that exist in Colombia are:

  • ARL Sura
  • ARL Positiva
  • ARL Axa Colpatria
  • ARL Colmena
  • Among others.

How are contributions made to the Social Security System for foreigners in Colombia?

The integrated template for the settlement of contributions (PILA) is the virtual window that allows the settlement and payment of contributions to the social security system for foreigners in Colombia. The persons who use this means of payment are those who are obliged to make contributions, i.e. employers and self-employed workers.

In this context, about 20 operators have been authorized to make the payment of contributions. These operators includen:

  • Asopagos S.A.
  • Compensate
  • Arus
  • Fedecajas
  • Online Contributions
  • Simple Payment
  • Among others

These operators offer two types of spreadsheets: assisted and electronic. In the assisted mode, the operator settles the contributions and the employer or self-employed person pays the corresponding amount. In the electronic system, the employer or independent settles and pays through the operator’s platform.

How much must be paid into the Social Security System for foreigners in Colombia?

The price at régimen contributive health insurance is 12.5% of the base income contribution base. However, a distinction must be made between the percentage paid by the worker bound by an employment contract and the self-employed.

In the first case, the employer pays 8.5% and the worker pays 4% of the salary. of the salary. In the second case, the self-employed person pays the full amount, i.e., 12.5% of his/her base contribution income, on a monthly basis.

In pensions, a percentage ofl 16% of salary or monthly income. In the case of a dependent employee, the employer will assume the 12% and 4% is is borne by the employee. When is the employee is self-employed, he/she is responsible for the entire contribution.

It should be noted that, for the self-employed with a service contract, 40% of the monthly value of the contract is taken as the contribution base, The base salary must not be less than the legal monthly minimum salary in force.

The amount of the contributions The amount of occupational risk contributions will depend on the type of activity carried out.. In any case, may not be less than 0.348% nor more than 8.7% of the income bation of cotization.

In the case of a dependent worker, the employer shall be responsible for the entire payment, and in the case of an employee, the employer shall be responsible for the entire payment. is an independent worker, éthe employer must make the payment himself.

In a nutshell

The social security system for foreigners in Colombia gives these people the opportunity to access these services and remain protected during their stay in our country.

The most important, and of obligatory inscription, is the health affiliation in order to preserve your health during your stay in Colombia.

It is important to take into account that, depending on your particular case, affiliation to the labor risk system will also be mandatory.

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