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Processing of Alien Registration Cards in Colombia

Published on: March 25, 2020
Reading time: 7 min
Processing of Alien Registration Cards in Colombia

“The Cédula de Extranjería is the identification document for foreigners in the national territory and its use must be in accordance with the visa granted to the foreigner. It is issued based on the Foreigners Registry of Migration Colombia. “Its regulation can be consulted in Decree 1067 of 2015, 1743 of 2015 and Resolution 6045 of 2017.

Who needs a Cédula de Extranjería in Colombia?

According to the Article 44 of Decree 1743 of 2015In principle, they should apply for a Cédula de Extranjería persons of legal age and minors from 7 years of age, in possession of a visa as principal holder or beneficiary holder with a validity of more than three (3) months.

However, Article 54 of the aforementioned Decree establishes that visas valid for less than the aforementioned term (3 months), as well as exceptions to visas that do not imply the obligation to apply for a Cédula de Extranjería, may be processed voluntarily in order to facilitate the exercise of the rights granted to the foreigner by said document.

Are there any prerequisites before applying for the Cédula de Extranjería?

Pursuant to Article 52 of Decree 1743 of 2015, before applying for the Cédula de Extranjería, you must.
the Alien Registration of Foreigners of Migration Colombia. This must be processed by both holders and beneficiaries of visas valid for more than three (3) months. For this purpose, they are required to register in “the Foreigners Registry of the Special Administrative Unit of Migration Colombia within fifteen (15) calendar days from their entry into the country or from the date of issuance of the visa, if the visa was obtained within the national territory, with the exception of those established for this purpose by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”.

Based on the above, it can be seen that in order to apply for the Cédula de Extranjería, two previous steps are required:

  1. Colombian visa valid for more than three months.
  2. To be registered in the Foreigners Registry of Migration Colombia.

However, Article 90 of Resolution 6045 of 2017 enshrines exceptions with respect to the obligations to register and apply for the Cédula de Extranjería. This rule indicates that foreigners who are granted visitor’s visas issued to authorize activities contemplated in paragraphs 2, 3 and 8 of Article 10 of this Resolution are exempt from the aforementioned obligations. These numbers contain the following activities:

  1. Visiting the national territory for leisure, tourism or cultural interest.
  2. Conduct business negotiations, market research, direct investment plans or procedures and incorporation of commercial companies, negotiation, conclusion of contracts or commercial representation.
  3. Participate in an event as a speaker, exhibitor, artist, athlete, juror, contestant or logistical personnel.

Finally, there is an exception to the requirement to hold a previous visa in order to apply for the Cédula de Extranjería. This is enshrined in Decree 1814 of 2015 article which states the following:

The Special Administrative Unit – Migration Colombia – will proceed to issue the corresponding alien identification card, free of charge, to Venezuelan nationals who are spouses or permanent partners of deported, expelled or returned Colombian nationals, who are holders of the Special Permit for Entry and Stay or the Special Temporary Permit to Stay, for the purpose of identification in the national territory.

What are the types of Cédulas de Extranjería in Colombia?

According to Article 54 of Decree 1743 of 2015, in Colombia there are two types of foreigners’ identification cards:

-Alien Registration Card for adults.

-Alien Registration Card for minors (over 7 years old).

Before reaching 7 years of age, the minor must be identified with the respective passport or national identity card, in accordance with the international instruments in force.

When foreign minors reach the age of majority in Colombia, they must apply for the Cédula de Extranjería para mayores de edad. This obligation must be fulfilled within fifteen (15) calendar days following the occurrence of the event.

What is the validity of the Alien Registration Cards?

According to Article 55 of Decree 1743 of 2015, the validity of the Cédula de Extranjería will be for a term equal to the validity of the visa of the holder or beneficiary.

However, the Alien Registration Card issued to those who have been granted an indefinite term visa prior to April 24, 2013, must be renewed every five (5) years; foreigners who from that date onwards are issued a resident visa must apply for the Alien Registration Card before Migración Colombia, which will be valid for five (5) years.

What are the requirements for the processing of the Cédula de Extranjería?

On the
web page of Migración Colombia, the following requirements are indicated to apply for the Cédula de Extranjería:

  1. Original passport.
  2. Photocopy of the biographical data page of the passport.
  3. Original of the valid visa.
  4. Fill out the Single Form of Formalities
    through the web page of Migración Colombia.
  5. Receipt of payment for the issuance of a foreigner’s identification card.

*Minors between 7 – 17 years of age who are beneficiaries of a Visa must go to the Migration Services Facilitating Center or Migration Control Posts with Alien Control functions in the company of the minor’s father, mother or legal representative.

What is the procedure to apply for the Cédula de Extranjería?

After being the main holder or beneficiary of a visa for more than three months and being registered in the Registry of foreigners of Migración Colombia, the documents mentioned in the previous numeral must be gathered; it is very important to have filled out the single form of procedures.

Afterwards, you must go to the nearest Migratory Services Facilitating Center, in Medellin for example this is located at the following address: Calle 19 # 80A – 40 / Barrio Belen La Nubia / Medellin – Antioquia. Appointment scheduling can be done through the website

There, the required documents must be submitted and a fee must be paid for the issuance of the Cédula de Extranjería, which can be paid “through the use of debit and credit cards or with the payment receipt issued by the entity at the time of processing, in the following cases authorized payment points“.

Finally, the deadline for delivery of the document in accordance with the information set out in the **Migración Colombia website**The delivery time for the claim is three (3) working days from the date of payment of the processing fee; however, the delivery time may be increased if the claim is to be filed in the following cities: Arauca, Yopal, Riohacha, Maicao, Leticia and San Andres. The Cédula de Extranjería will be delivered at the same Migratory Services Facilitating Center where it was requested.

It is important to point out that the application process for the Cédula de Extranjería is personal and is only carried out within the national territory.


Processing of the Colombian Alien Registration Document (Cédula de Extranjería Colombia) | Photo taken from Freepik

How much does it cost to apply for a Cédula de Extranjería?

On the official web page of Migración Colombia the costs of the application for the Cédula de Extranjería are indicated, as follows:

  1. General Fee: 203,000.00 Pesos ($).
  2. Ecuadorians – Cédula de extranjería (First time). The dollar value will be adjusted to the exchange rate at the time of processing. 5.00Dollars (US$).
  3. Ecuadorians – Foreigner’s Certificate (Renewal). The dollar value will be adjusted to the exchange rate at the time of processing. 10.00Dollars (US$).
  4. Ecuadorians – Alien Registration Card (Duplicate due to loss). The dollar value will be adjusted to the exchange rate at the time of processing. 15.00 U.S. dollars (US$).
  5. Pacific Alliance Scholars from Peru or Mexico 0.00 Pesos ($).
  6. Venezuelan spouses or permanent partners of deported, expelled or returned Colombian nationals, who are holders of the Special Entry and Residence Permit or Special Temporary Residence Permit. The foregoing in accordance with the provisions of Decree 1814 of September 14, 2015. 0.00 Pesos ($).

How does the renewal of the Cédula de Extranjería work?

It was previously explained that the term of validity of the Alien Registration Card is equal to the term of validity of the holder’s visa, except for the Resident Visa, which must be renewed every five (5) years.

Therefore, we only speak as such of renewal for the Residents’ Alien Registration Card, since they are the holders of visas with indefinite validity. However, the Cédulade Extranjería may be renewed as long as the foreign citizen continues to be a Resident. “This situation must be verified by the Immigration Officer of the Migration Services Facilitating Center. Once this process is completed, the processing of the Alien Registration Card is carried out. It is important to take into account that it is not necessary to require the validity of the passport or the transfer of the visa”.

When the Resident’s Alien Registration Card is about to expire, it is necessary to present it before the expiration date at any of the Migratory Services Facilitating Centers in the country with the following requirements:

  1. Fill out the application form provided free of charge at CFSMs nationwide or through the website migracioncolombia.gov.co.
  2. Original passport, valid, in good condition and visa stamped.
  3. Photocopy of the biographical data page of the valid passport and stamped visa.
  4. Payment of $203,000 pesos, which can be made at the CFSM with debit and credit cards or with the payment receipt issued by the entity at the time of processing, at authorized payment points.
  5. For Ecuadorian citizens this procedure has a cost of USD 10.

Our lawyers are experts in the process of applying for a Cédula de Extranjería and will be able to provide you with the help and advice you require, if you wish to know more about our services you can contact us through
our web site.

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