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Types of Visas offered in Colombia under Resolution 5477 of 2022

Published on: May 17, 2023
Reading time: 2 min
Types of Visas offered in Colombia under Resolution 5477 of 2022

Title 2 of Resolution 5477 establishes the types of visas, requirements and characteristics.

Article 22 establishes three types of visas: Visitor, Migrant and Permanent Resident, with their corresponding categories.

Visa Type V

Regarding the Visitor’s visa or type V visa, it may be granted to foreigners who wish to visit one or more times the national territory for the development of some of the following activities without constituting domicile: airport transit, tourism, business, study, medical treatment, administrative and/or judicial procedures, crew member, seasonal agricultural worker, events, work in the exercise of religious ministry or to exercise as a missionary of a religious entity, students / volunteers religious entities, to perform volunteering of social character or cooperation for development, to participate in film production or large format documentaries, digital nomads, to carry out journalistic coverage of short duration in the country, to perform as a permanent press correspondent of a foreign media, to provide technical assistance, to facilitate the mobility of entrepreneurs or business persons in application of commitments acquired by Colombia in the framework of FTAs signed and in force with other states, for non-accredited officials, vacations and work, to perform labor practice, to perform work under a contract for the provision of services and work or labor, to promote internationalization, for foreigners who receive a periodic and variable income from a creditable legal source and, exceptionally, for cases and circumstances not foreseen in the resolution.

This category of visitors also includes courtesy visas for visiting diplomats, for participation in academic programs or ICETEX events, for international engagements, for personnel covered by the Film Law, for foreigners who CONARE requests a complementary measure to the Refuge, and courtesy visas in unforeseen cases.

Visa Type M

The Migrant Visa is intended for foreigners who wish to settle temporarily in the country. Within this type of visa are the following categories: spouse, permanent partner of a Colombian national, mother or father or child of a Colombian national by adoption, father or mother of a Colombian national by birth, Mercosur migrant, Andean migrant, refugee, worker, partner or owner, independent professional, pensioner, promotion of internationalization, investor, stateless person.

Visa Type R

Finally, the Permanent Resident visa is for foreigners who wish to settle permanently in the national territory in the following cases: renunciation of Colombian nationality, for accumulated time, for Venezuelan citizens under ETPV, Special Peace Resident type visa.

In conclusion, the new resolution brings three main categories. The first one is the visitor category, which has 25 subcategories (including unforeseen cases) and 6 courtesy visas. The second category is migrant, which has 14 subcategories. Finally, the third category of permanent resident, which has 4 subcategories.


https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/sites/default/files/Normograma/docs/resolucion_minrelaciones_5477_2022.htm#:~:text=EL%20INGRESO%20CON%20VISA.,el%20ingreso%20migratorio%20al%20al%20pa%C3%ADs. .

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