Discover Skandia’s Products and Services in Colombia

Skandia, a well-known company in Colombia, offers a wide range of financial products and services designed to meet the investment, savings and protection needs of its clients.

This article explores in detail the products and services that Skandia offers in Colombia, as well as the history of the company and its different subsidiaries.

If you are interested in purchasing financial products with Skandia, this article will provide you with all the information you need.

Skandia Products and Services in Colombia

  1. Skandia Multifund Voluntary Pension Fund

The Skandia Multifund Voluntary Pension Fund is a flexible solution that allows individuals to save for retirement according to their needs and risk profile.

It offers the possibility of choosing between different funds according to the level of risk and the desired investment horizon.

  1. Skandia Investment Program (Individuals)

The Skandia Investment Program is designed for people who wish to invest their savings with expert guidance.

It offers access to a variety of investment funds and customized strategies to maximize performance.

  1. Skandia Investment Plus Program (Individuals)

The Skandia Investment Plus Program is an enhanced version of the investment program, offering additional benefits such as more detailed financial advice and access to exclusive investment opportunities.

  1. Skandia Capital + Insurance Program (Individuals)

This program combines investment and life insurance, providing a double benefit of capital growth and financial protection for beneficiaries in the event of the holder’s death.

  1. Skandia Collective Savings Program (Companies)

Designed for companies, this program facilitates the creation of collective savings plans for employees, encouraging savings and providing tax benefits for the company.

  1. Skandia Business Program (Companies)

The Skandia Business Program offers investment and savings solutions tailored to corporate needs, helping companies manage their finances efficiently.

  1. Mandatory Pension Fund (Individuals)

Skandia’s Mandatory Pension Fund is an option for those seeking to comply with retirement savings regulations in Colombia, with the confidence of professional management of their contributions.

  1. Severance Pay Fund (Individuals)

This fund helps people to manage their severance payments, guaranteeing a safe and efficient management of the resources destined for periods of unemployment or education.

  1. Alternative Pension Fund (Individuals)

An option for those seeking to diversify their pension investments beyond traditional funds, offering greater flexibility and return potential.

  1. Skandia Life Insurance S.A.

Skandia Seguros de Vida S.A. offers a variety of life insurance products adapted to the protection and savings needs of its clients, ensuring peace of mind for their loved ones.

  1. Skandia Individual Savings Insurance (Individuals)

This insurance combines the protection of a life insurance policy with the possibility of accumulating long-term savings, ideal for planning the financial future.

  1. Skandia Life and Disability Insurance (Individuals)

Provides coverage in the event of death or disability, guaranteeing financial support in difficult times for the beneficiaries or the insured.

  1. Skandia Individual Pension Insurance (Individuals)

It offers an individual pension solution, allowing clients to plan their retirement with a personalized strategy that combines savings and investment.

productos y servicios skandia
  1. Skandia Group Insurance (Companies)

This insurance is designed to offer life insurance coverage to a company’s employees, providing additional benefits that improve their well-being at work.

  1. Skandia Pension Insurance (Crea Patrimonio)

This product is focused on building solid wealth for retirement, offering diversified investment options and specialized advice.

  1. Skandia Fiduciaria S.A.

Skandia Fiduciaria S.A. offers fiduciary services that include the administration of trusts and other financial products, guaranteeing security and efficiency in asset management.

  1. Skandia Mutual Funds

These funds allow clients to invest in a variety of professionally managed assets, diversifying their portfolio and optimizing performance.

  1. Special Investment Trusts (Companies)

They offer specialized fiduciary solutions for companies, facilitating the management of resources and investment projects in a secure and effective manner.

  1. Skandia Valores S.A. – Sociedad Comisionista de Bolsa

This subsidiary is responsible for intermediation in the securities market, offering access to a wide range of financial instruments and brokerage services.

  1. Skandia Securities Commission and Management Agreement

Provides securities administration and custody services, ensuring efficient and secure management of clients’ investments.

  1. Correspondent Contracts

Skandia offers correspondent services for other financial institutions, facilitating operations and investment management through its platform and experience.

productos y servicios skandia

History and Description of Skandia’s Companies in Colombia

Skandia Pensions and Severance Plans S.A.

Skandia Pensiones y Cesantías S.A. is a company specialized in the administration of pension and severance funds, with a track record of commitment and excellence in the management of its members’ resources.

Skandia Holding de Colombia S.A.

Skandia Holding de Colombia S.A. is the parent company of Skandia’s different subsidiaries in the country, coordinating and supervising the integral offer of financial products and services.

Skandia Life Insurance S.A.

This entity focuses on offering life insurance products that combine protection and savings, adapting to the changing needs of Colombian clients.

Skandia Fiduciaria S.A.

Skandia Fiduciaria S.A. provides comprehensive fiduciary services, standing out for its professional and transparent management of trusts and other assets.


Skandia in Colombia offers a complete range of financial products and services designed to satisfy the diverse investment, savings and protection needs of its clients.

From pension and severance funds to life insurance and trusts, Skandia stands out for its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.


  1. Skandia Colombia – Products and Services Information,
  2. Skandia Seguros de Vida S.A.,
  3. Skandia Fiduciaria S.A.,
  4. Skandia Investment Funds,
  5. Skandia Valores S.A.,