How to Demonstrate Income for the Digital Nomad Visa in Colombia

Sufficient and Stable Income Requirement

The digital nomad visa in Colombia, known as the “Temporary Remote Worker Visa”, is an excellent opportunity for those who wish to work remotely while enjoying the rich culture and landscapes of the country.

However, one of the key requirements to obtain this visa is to demonstrate sufficient and stable income.

In this article, we explain how to prove your income effectively, making sure you meet all the requirements.

  1. General Income Requirements

Minimum Amount Required

The Colombian government establishes a minimum amount of income that must be demonstrated to qualify for the digital nomad visa.

This amount is usually around USD 684 per month, equivalent to 3 legal monthly minimum wages in Colombia.

This requirement ensures that applicants have sufficient resources to support themselves during their stay in the country.

Acceptable Income Types

Not all types of income are accepted.
Generally, it is required to demonstrate income from legitimate and consistent sources, such as:

  • Remote job salaries
  • Freelancing income
  • Earnings from consulting services
  • Investment dividends
  • Income from own business
  1. Necessary Documentation

Bank Statements

One of the most common documents to prove income are bank statements.

These must reflect regular deposits that match reported income.

It is important to provide account statements for at least the last six months.

Employment or Freelance Contracts

Employment or freelance contracts are another essential way to demonstrate income.

These documents should detail the nature of the work, the amount of payment and the frequency of payments.

Make sure these contracts are signed and clear.

Tax Returns

Tax returns are solid proof of income, especially if you are self-employed.

These documents reflect the annual income and can be used to corroborate the information in the account statements and contracts.

  1. Income Certifications

Letters from Employers

A letter from your current employer, detailing your position, salary and length of employment, can be very helpful.

This letter must be on company letterhead and signed by an authorized representative.

Accountant Certifications

If you are self-employed or a freelancer, a letter from a certified accountant may be required.

This letter must detail your annual income and must be signed and stamped by the accountant.

nomad visa Colombia
  1. Payment and Transfer Platforms

PayPal and Similar Platforms

If your income comes from payment platforms such as PayPal, you can provide statements from these platforms.

These statements should show regular and consistent transfers to your bank account.

International Bank Transfers

If you receive payments through international bank transfers, please provide details of these transactions.

Make sure that transfers match reported income and are consistent.

  1. Preparation of Documents

Translation and Legalization

All documents that are not in Spanish must be translated by an official translator.

In addition, some documents may need to be legalized or apostilled.

Make sure all documents are properly prepared to avoid delays in the application process.

Organization and Presentation

Organize all your documents in a logical and clear way. Use separators and labels to facilitate review by Colombian authorities.

A neat and professional presentation can improve your chances of success.

  1. Professional Consulting

Immigration Consultants

Hiring an immigration consultant can be an excellent investment.

These professionals can guide you through the process, making sure that all your documents meet the requirements.

Specialized Attorneys

Immigration lawyers can provide more detailed advice and represent your interests in case of problems or complications. Although it may be an additional cost, it may be worth it to ensure a successful application.


Demonstrating sufficient and stable income is a crucial step to obtain the digital nomad visa in Colombia.

By following this guide and properly preparing all the necessary documents, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

While it may seem a complex process, with the proper documentation and, if necessary, the help of professionals, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of working remotely from Colombia.


  1. Cancillería de Colombia – Digital Nomad Visa:
  2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia:
  3. Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales (DIAN) (National Tax and Customs Directorate):
  4. Ministry of Health and Social Protection:
  5. ProColombia:

If you would like more information about visas for Colombia, Contact Us!