Collection of accounts receivable and legal representation in Medellín

collection of receivables and legal representation in medellin

SERVICES IN Collection of Receivables and Judicial Representation

Feasibility Study of the Collection Process

Before initiating any collection process, we conduct an exhaustive study to assess the feasibility and determine the most appropriate strategies. This includes analyzing the debt, identifying available collateral and defining the most appropriate approach.

Legal representation during the entire collection process.

Our collection attorneys provide sound legal representation at all stages of the collection process, from preventive collection to the necessary legal actions.

Accompaniment and representation in arbitration and conciliation proceedings.

We facilitate out-of-court settlements through arbitration and conciliation processes, expediting the resolution of disputes and reducing legal costs.

Accompaniment and representation in the Law on Secured Transactions (Law 1676 of 2013).

We specialize in matters related to security interests, ensuring that your interests are duly protected and represented in accordance with current legislation.

Representation in possible insolvency proceedings

In cases of debtor insolvency, we offer legal representation to protect your interests and maximize the chances of recovering outstanding debts.

Management of portfolio recovery, pre-legal collection and legal portfolio collection.

Our lawyers are trained to represent your interests before the Superintendencia Financiera in matters related to portfolio collection and compliance with financial regulations.

We offer a comprehensive approach to portfolio management, ranging from preventive collection to legal collection of debts, including electronic invoices, collateral, letters, promissory notes, checks, bills of exchange and other securities.

At our law firm in Colombia, we are committed to helping companies and individuals maximize the recovery of their financial assets, offering specialized legal services in portfolio collection and judicial representation. Contact us for reliable legal advice and representation in these matters for your business.

Legal Services | Attorneys at Law Collection of Receivables and Judicial Representation in Medellin


Attorneys specializing in Collection of Receivables and Judicial Representation In Medellín, experts in all types of criminal proceedings. Online legal advice.