Study and work visa in Colombia: requirements and procedures under the new resolution

visa de estudio y trabajo en colombia scaled

In the new resolution on visas, there is no specific category within the 3 types of visas called study and work. However, these two activities could fit into the type V study visa within a case that contemplates the visa.

First of all, this visa is intended for persons who wish toto conduct face-to-face studies. virtual or distance education in arts and crafts, preschool, elementary, high school, middle school, education for work and human development. and higher education; or to carry out student internships and academic exchanges by agreement between higher education institutions.

*Passport holders of countries or territories exempted from visa requirements, as determined by Resolution, will be exempted from the processing of this type of visa as long as their stay in Colombia does not exceed 180 calendar days.

The specific requirements to apply are as follows:

  1. Those established, as applicable, if the application is for title personal or with the support of a natural person or legal entity.
  2. Certificate of admission or enrollment in the educational institution indicating the degree or program for which the student is admitted or enrolled and its duration.
  3. In the case of student internships. paid or unpaid, communication from the educational institution that endorses it and indicating the duration of the activity.
  4. Health policy with coverage in the national territory against all risks in case of accident, illness, maternity, disability, hospitalization, death or repatriation, for the time foreseen for their stay in the country.
  5. For second and subsequent visas, certification from the entity of attendance and completion of the course, studies or internship for which the visa was issued.

The visa will be valid for 2 years and only in the case of graduate students is allowed to work for 20 hours per week, but the employer must previously make a report to the Special Administrative Unit of Migration Colombia and the Ministry of Labor in the systems or platforms provided for this purpose.

However, foreign students who complete their undergraduate studies with honors at a university in Colombia will have the option of requesting a visa to carry out internships in their field of study, without having to leave the country, as long as they maintain their migratory regularity and have the sponsorship of the educational entity.

The work permit granted under this category will be restricted to such activity and will be governed by all the labor regulations of the Colombian State and the specific regulations for the exercise of the profession and, finally, the possibility is contemplated that those who obtain undergraduate degrees in areas in which there is a deficit of human capital in Colombia, and all those who obtain doctorate and post-doctorate degrees in Colombian universities may apply for a work visa to work in their area.
